
Sunday, February 28, 2010

My First Half Marathon!

Weekend Recap! I will warn you that this post will be on the long prepare yourself...

So Friday we got to Columbia, we stayed at the Hilton in the Vista which was the "race hotel." We went to pick up my race packet in the hotel, tech shirt but no free stuff or coupons. :(
Then we checked into our room. Here is the crew making themselves comfortable!

So since I used to live in Columbia when Jeff and I first met...we got back in the car and rode around checking out some places we used to go eat, hang out, etc. Then we came back to the room....Jeff wanted a beer but since no alcohol for race girl...Norah and I hung out in the room for about 45 minutes while J hit up a local bar for a drink and a snack. Then we he got back, we headed out to eat dinner at California Dreamin'. This is my crew there:

(How about that smile from Norah...she is being cheesy!)
Afterwards, we headed back to the room. I got my stuff layed out for the next day and we just hung out. We all headed to bed around 8:30ish...J and I were watching the Olympics (shocker...I know...). Norah did really well going to bed in the hotel room...however, around 10ish or so she started coughing and did not stop until like 4 I got like 2 hours sleep. Lovely.
So morning came...I got ready...I brought a PB&J sandwich from home to eat for breakfast so went downstairs to eat it and chill. Then around 7:15ish J and N took me to the race start and dropped me off. (See when I booked the "race hotel" I assumed it was at the race start or near it so I could walk...but when I got my packet and asked them where the start was...they were like you need to drive as it is over a mile away....nice...) So they dropped me off and went back to the hotel to get ready and eat breakfast. Jeff had a map of the race so I told him my plan on time and he said they would find me.
So this was a half marathon (aka Pikermi) and a 5K...there were no porta potties at the beginning which a lot of people were talking about. There was a restroom in the nearby park that a lot of people hit up. Then they had everyone gather around the top of the hill and said "go" and this started the race! This was a small race...I think there was 800 people registered for the half and 5K but I don't know how many did each...ya know? Anyway, I headed off and followed advice from Krishna "If you think you are going slow, go slower" which is pretty hard since I go pretty slow anyway! So I had to goals...#1 to finish without dying (check..I got that one covered!) and goal #2 was to finish under 3 hours (check...2 hrs 53 mins!). So Jeff and Norah came to about 5 different spots which was the best thing ever!!! I loved having them was the best! They were troopers that whole morning. Back to the race...Really I felt good the whole time...I did get a blister on my foot around mile 4 but "no pain, no gain" I tried to just not think about it. There were only 4 water stations the whole I was so glad that I carried my own stuff. Took 3 Gus during. I saw 2 porta potties the whole way...I didn't need them...thank goodness but I saw a couple of people lined up waiting on them. Anyway...everything was great...until the end...around mile 11.5ish there was the biggest uphill...I mean who thought this up...let's put the biggest hill at the end...are you kidding me? So that was my struggle area for sure!

So I finished and got my medal...I was definitely stiff in my legs so walked around looking for J and N as they weren't there. I had a feeling Norah probably had to go potty...sure enough they came around 10 minutes later and J had taken N to go potty. :) Hopefully the race pics will get posted soon and I think they took a pic of me at the if so I might post later...
Anyway, we had gotten a late check-out time so we went back to the hotel to take shower and get stuff together. We headed to lunch but I couldn't really was weird. Then we hit the road to Nini and Pops (Frankie and Denny's) house. We got there and hung out...then around 6ish-Jeff, Uncle Jake, and me headed to my favorite restaurant (maybe of all time or it may tie with Upstream) in Aiken. It is a tapas restaurant, so we got a few plates and I had delicious red wine...I haven't red wine in awhile since I have been prepping so it was extra yummy!! Then we got back in the car and I forgot to take any pics of us while there for the blog so I snapped a pic of Jake in the car...which I am sure he was thrilled about.... ;)
(Happy Birthday Jake...tomorrow!!)

So we went back and I was exhausted! It hit me like a ton of I headed to bed around 9! Thanks to Nini and Pops for watching Norah! Then today we got up and Denny and Frankie made us a yummy, big was perfect! So we hung out for awhile and then back to Charlotte!
So I'm still pretty excited about my first half marathon and can't wait for the next one! I know for sure that I can go faster and look forward to beating my time in the next one! I'm also trying to work on Jeff and get him to run one too! I am a little sore but not too far! My blister sucks and may not feel to hot in work shoes tomorrow! Well that is the weekend recap...if you read this whole thing...thanks!

Friday, February 26, 2010

Just a quick post...

Today we are headed to Columbia for the night and then to Graniteville to visit "Nini and Pops". Norah is super excited about going because Nini and Pops told her that they would make cookies! So that is all she has talked about this week. I'm working a half day so I can pick up Norah and we can head out by 1ish with Daddy J!!

Last night I was wearing these capri pajama pants and Norah looked at my legs (yes, they are super scary white) and said "Mommy, you have freckles everywhere." Yep...I sure do. She is so cute!

Anyway, I'll try to take lots of good pics this weekend and update on all that happens! Have a great Friday!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Wednesday...Hump Day!

So not much has happened since Sunday. The, taking Norah to school, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.! I did find out that I have a work trip to Vegas in April and today found out that we are staying at the Planet Hollywood hotel in Vegas. Anyone stayed there or heard anything about it? That is where Holly Madison I might have to stalk her! I sure did love the "girls next door!"
(I think this is a pretty old pic...Holly is in the middle)

Well I only ran on Monday so I about to hit the dreadmill up for a little action tonight. I could not get up this morning as Norah woke up twice last night...coughing...please don't get sick!!! Jeff hit the gym tonight already so I'm sure he is getting in Olympics mode at 8. Hopefully I will have a more eventful post next time!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Let's and then picked up Norah. I also got two closet organizer things on the way home from the Space Saver store. Friday night we just hung out and watched the Olympics...we are slightly obsessed with the Olympics (everything but ice skating!)

Saturday, we were lazy in the morning, went to lunch all together and then I went running after Norah went down for her nap...ran 8.15 miles at the Greenway. On the see lots of things....all kinds of people, kids, bike riders, lots of dogs, runners, walkers, etc. I did see two deer that crossed my path and a guy running in Vibram Five Fingers. For those of you who don't know what those is for people to run barefoot but have a covering. Here is a pic...(no this isn't actually him...I took this pic from some website)
I saw him running towards me and could tell something was up with his feet and saw them when we ran past each other. Then on my way back I past him and he was sitting on a bench...he didn't look so good. I asked "How was it ruuning in those..." He said "okay...I wouldn't race in them"
So I got home and then Jeff left to go to the gym to work out. So after icing my legs and a shower...Norah and I headed to Costco. I got some Adidas workout shirts (short sleeve) that were a good deal...especially since I ran in one of Jeff's shirts was a wee big! The weather was so nice and I didn't have any short sleeve shirts...only sleeveless and long sleeve. But now I'm set! I also got Norah some cute Carter dresses for $7.99 some Costco! Got some other supplies and then headed home. Once we all got home...we chilled out again and...surprise...surprise...we watched the Olympics!
Sunday...we got up and Jeff went outside with Norah kicking the ball and stuff in the front yard. These two little girls from up the street (ages 7 and 9) came and wanted to play with Norah. They played together for like 2 hours. I saw them playing duck, duck, goose and all kinds of was so cute. Here is a pic of me sneaking a pic of them....(I didn't want to scare the girls!)

While they played...I cleaned out my was a disaster zone. Got it done though! Jeff hit the gym again and I took today off. So on to laundry guessed it....more Olympics! Now I am headed to bed to read....reading Garden Spells and loving it so far! Well I'm off...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Almost Friday...

I am so glad tomorrow will be Friday! I've had a headache for two days...taken obscene amounts of! Tuesday when I took Norah to school...I was carrying her in and she said..."Mommy you have ketchup on your lips."...How cute!! I really didn't have ketchup but lipstick/lip gloss...but that is my girl already associating things with food! :) workout for me...not feeling it...but Jeff went to the gym! He also picked up Norah early from school...which I know she loved! We actually found out some pretty cool news last night. Our friends Ellen and Will are having a baby in July and found out they are having a BOY!! We are so excited for them!! I can't wait to meet the little guy!

Today so far...I got up and ran this morning but only 2 miles as I still have this freakin' headache! Now I'm at work with just my boss today...and we have appointments all day so hopefully it will go by fast! Then tonight I am having dinner with some friends...we used to be in a playgroup that met every Monday back in the day before I went back to work. Memories... :)

I'll try to have some pics for the next post too...I know you love the pics!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Fat Tuesday...

Well Sunday was Valentine's Day and Norah got lots of goodies! Between us, Nini (my mom), and VeeVee (Jeff's mom)...she got a tent with a tunnel (for inside), umbrella (her very own), flashlight, ladybug ball, teddy bear, and stickers. We also took her for a Valentine's lunch which she enjoyed as you can see! Jeff hit the gym and is started not feeling so hot. (It is about time he got a cold as Norah and I have had our fair share of the sickness this winter!) J/K...I hope he doesn't get "real" sick!

We watched the Olympics...and just hung out. Nothing too exciting! Then yesterday I had the day off so I stayed home with Norah and we literally just did nothing! I mean we danced in the den and played chase in the house but other than that...we just lounged around!

Today is back to the real world. Up at 5:30 am and my neighbor and I went for a walk. Now I am off to take Norah to school and go to work. Today is Fat Tuesday and tomorrow starts Lent. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm going to give up but got have one more day of thinking to do to see if I change my mind or not!

Hope everyone has a fabulous Tuesday!

Yum! Grilled Cheese!!

Checking out the new umbrella!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Saturday Update...

Update on we went out and played some this morning with our awesome neighbors in the snow (we have the best neighbors!) Then the sun came out...yeah!...and melted most of the snow so I left and went to the greenway and ran 8 miles! It was great! It was still a little slushy/muddy in areas but so much better then running on a Dreadmill!! Here is a pic of cute Ranger (aka Big R)...he just wandered out and hit like every bush there was so the snow just went on him. Needless to say, the snow didn't bother him a bit! The other pic is my favorite two people!! Well we are going to chill out and watch the Olympics tonight. Happy Valentine Eve!!

More Valentine Pics...see previous post...

This is the look..."don't even think about taking my muffin! :)

A picture of the hair. And yes, I brushed it and tried to tame it that morning...

these are two of her little friends...Anna is on the left and Marli is behind her...aren't they cute. Norah and Anna are big buddies!

Norah in the groove now! She is liking the party!

Here are some of the kids in Norah's class. Missing is Norah and a couple others. I love that you can already see their personalities just in a pic! How funny!
Well I'm off to enjoy some coffee and quiet time before everyone gets up around here. I'm sure I will post again soon with updates of our Snow Day here. Happy Saturday!

Party and Snow...

Yesterday we have Norah's Valentine Party at school and it is always fun to see all the kids interact with each other. Here are some pics from that...They are out of order for some reason. (I'm still figuring how to upload pics correctly) I think I will have to continue these pics in a new post

This is her teacher, Miss Brett, telling her that I wasn't leaving yet!

This is when she thought I was leaving her!

Blowing Daddy a kiss since he wasn't there!

This is when we got to school...ignore the was a bad hair day! And those of you that know Norah...she doesn't have much hair to work with in the first place... :)

Well we have snow...lots of it..for us at least. It is really cramping my style this Saturday and today was my long run...outside. So now I'm debating how much I can suffer through on the dreadmill. I'm so excited when Norah wakes up today...she is so going to love the snow! Here are a a pic of what it looks like here right now...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Valentine's Day Prep...

So this is the last night without hubby. I can't wait for him to get back tomorrow! Norah has her Valentine Party at school tomorrow at 8:30 I'll be there for that. Then tomorrow I have a Valentine's luncheon to go to for clients at a Tea House in Fort should be cute! Well if my husband happened to get me something for Valentine's Day (which I know he won't) :) But if he wanted to and wanted ideas...I'll take one of these
or this
or this
or these
Anyway...thought I would just throw those out there! I think Mud Pie in Blakeney is selling them now and they may be having a sale...hint...hint... ;)

I'm off to get Norah's Valentine's ready for school cute!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Another Wednesday...

Got up this morning to run as it would be my last morning run outside until Saturday (Boo! I hate the treadmill!) as Mr. J has left to go on his annual hunting trip. He was pretty excited about going! Norah and I sure do miss him! Here is a pic from this weekend...where Daddy was helping little precious "jump and slide" at a birthday party (where she later got sick...poor thing!) and here is a priceless pic of Daddy (Miss Norah had already gone down the slide first.) This is exactly why I love this man!! :) Well I'm off to read and sleep!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Practice with Pics...

Okay so I wanted to see if I could figure out how to post pics...The first pic is from the snow/ice we got not too long ago...Norah is in action after throwing a snowball/iceball! Bottom pic is the three of us opening gifts at my sister/brother-in-laws house for Christmas.

First Post...

Okay. So I set this blog up a long time ago...hoping I would get it going while Norah was little so everyone could keep up with her...but as you can see...didn't work out so well! So I'm going to try to see if I can get this blog rolling so people can get a glimpse into the fabulous lives of the Hoppe Family. I'm not sure how often I'll get to post but I'll try it out. (Maybe this blog will satisfy people so I can still not join Facebook!) Now to start off on the right foot...I can't guarantee any type of correct grammar, spelling, etc. so beware! I also hope I can keep this as spiffy as my "little" Ashley's blog...which gave me the can see her blog at
Anyway...I hope to post again soon and get some pics on here as well...