
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Norah is still sick...

Well Norah is still sick. She has had a fever since Sunday...nonstop. Last night it was up to 103.8 and the motrin seems to only help some. Jeff took her to the doctor today and the doctor believes she just has a virus so rest and try to get her to eat a little (she hasn't really been eating and threw up yesterday.) Also we will keep her on the motrin too. If she does not feel better in a couple of days to bring her back so they can do a chest x-ray (not sure how this relates??!) I do feel so sorry for her...she isn't sleeping well at night (neither am I!!) so she is exhausted and feeling bad!

The reason Jeff took her to the doctor today instead of me was because it was my last day of work. It is strange to be leaving a job without going to another one...but since I am taking 5 classes next semester, I did not think I could really handle working too with all the learning I need to be doing! My boss, his wife, and co-workers got me lunch and a gift card to my favorite restaurant, Upstream...isn't that so nice! They have been a great bunch to work with!

Now if I can get through these last couple weeks of school. I will finish this semester on Dec. 13. I actually have a HUGE test tomorrow and now with Norah at home...I am a little concerned how to get all the studying in that I need to do tomorrow. I have already set up my "station", got the coffee ready and plan on getting up super early to start on it before Norah gets up.

Well on that note...I am off to bed! Here is a pic of Norah and the puppies on Sunday...they were all exhausted from the beach and this is Norah before the fevers started to set in... (ignore her completely random is her "lounge" wear!) Also doesn't Darcy look like a person!?

Pray that Norah feels better tomorrow!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Jeff's EVENTFUL day....

Today we came home....I left around 10:30 am and got home around 2:30 pm...uneventful. Jeff on the other hand...left by 11 am and got home around 6:30 pm!!! Here is why...

1. Jeff woke up this morning and Ranger had slept downstairs in a room (there is a heater) and somehow the door was closed so he could not get out to go to the he went everywhere in the Jeff had to clean all that up...

2. Then had our three dogs in the car with him...after leaving the beach house about 20 minutes down the road he realized that the two puppies, Finn and Darcy, had eaten chocolate covered espresso beans (don't even ask how this happened!) Since chocolate is basically poison for dogs...he called my mom and turned around drove back through the beach and then another 30-45 minutes to Myrtle Beach to the Vet Hospital where my mom met him. Dogs had to get charcoal treatment. Now back in the car....dogs threw up 3 different times...each time Jeff had to stop and clean it up! (He had them on towels as the doctor told him this would happen...)

3. On the way home, Jeff gets pulled by three cops who had a report that a "white truck" was swerving and hit a sign and left. Needless to say, it was not Jeff but they still asked him a billion questions and checked his truck for damage to make sure. (This is hilarious to me!)

4. Jeff arrives home and Norah has a fever! This is the second time in two weeks we have gone to the beach and come home and she is sick!!! (P.S. The Motrin is not helping...poor thing!)

So now back up a little....the trip was a little bit hectic but I guess that is to be expected with 9 adults, one kid, and 6 dogs! We had Turkey Day, then Friday I did some school work first thing in the morning...then Jeff and I took Norah to Georgetown and rained most of Friday, then Friday night we had an oyster roast. Saturday....Jeff went fishing, I took Norah to beach briefly (it had gotten cold!), watched Toy Story 3 (most of it), football was watched and everyone kinda chilled. Jake made a huge batch of Brunswick stew too. Sunday....well you already heard about Sunday.

Here are a few pics....

Charlie and Kathy took this pic as the sun was rising on the beach!
Sweet Norah...Charlie took this pic of her!

Me and cute hubby!

Krishna (step-sister) and Jake (step-brother)

Sweet girl!

Krishna and her hubby..Rick!

Frankie digging into some oysters!

Rick with his folks...Charlie and Kathy

Our cousin, Pat, my mom and Denny

Still meat free...I did not eat any meat the whole time I was was really easy....I didn't miss it at all. I do feel like I need a detox from all the stuff that I did eat lot of food was consumed! I got home today and had a green monster and a bowl of oatmeal then some spaghetti squash for dinner. Much better!
I also did not exercise the whole time I was there and feel like a sloth for it! My plan is to get back on track tomorrow. I feel so sorry for baby Norah being sick!! I hate when she is sick...I do not like to see her feel bad. Please let this just be a brief sickness and let her feel better tomorrow!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving....

Happy Thanksgiving! We went on the beach in the morning and had a late lunch/ it is time to just chill out!

Tomorrow is school work time, beach time and maybe movie time?? We'll see...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On the road today...

We are headed today to the beach...Norah had a "sharing" lunch yesterday and they all dressed as Indians...I wish we were invited so I could have seen her...she did wear her feather hat home yesterday! She is so cute! She is also getting super excited about is a pic where she found a Christmas tree pic in a magazine and came to show me! She asks everyday if it is Christmas yet.

Where our yard meets out neighbor's yard...this is what is there...bubbling water. A pipe is broken and it is the city's pipe....I hope they fix it today!! It is becoming a muddy mess and they have already been out twice!

I am not loving Glee this season as much...I did love the Gwyneth rain song last week but the rest has been kinda blah for me.

Well I am off to finish packing and work on some school work before we hit the road today. Happy early Turkey Day to everyone!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Almost Turkey Time...

Wow! Time is flying by so fast! I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is this week and then Christmas is right around the corner. Well I did go on a run today...first time in awhile and my leg didn't hurt! Actually it was great! Yea! So hopefully that was a good thing to take some time off. I am for sure doing the half in February...the one in January is a toss up...and December is probably a no go. We'll see.

Well we are headed to the beach on Wednesday for Thanksgiving with my side of the family. I hope to get to spend a lot of quality time with Norah as I feel like I haven't lately with work and school work. I also have some school work to do but I really am going to try to do some this week (uh...tomorrow....) before we go. I was thinking if it rains one day at the beach that I might take Norah to see one of the kid's movies out..Tangled or MegaMind...

Norah is in love with Christmas music...we have already started listening to it in the car and at home...she is already so excited about Christmas! It is so cute!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wednesday Words...

My mom had to put her sweet dog, Doc, down Monday night. It is so sad as he got sick so fast and he was only 8 years old. Dogs are such a big part of your family and it is hard when it is time to say goodbye. We are thinking about you Ma (aka Nini)!

This week Norah's class is collecting canned food so we have been trying to explain to Norah that not all children are able to have food all the time. So she is excited that she is helping other kids by bringing some food each day to class.

We also are taking Norah to see the Singing Christmas Tree For Kids Dec. 4 in Charlotte! I think she will love it!

Well we did keep Norah home from school on Monday and Jeff ended up taking her to the doctor and she has an ear infection. So she is on antibiotics for that...she also still has the runny nose and cough. Now Jeff is a little under the weather...I am so hoping I don't get any of the germs this time!

Well I am off to the library to get school work done. It is so hard to believe that the libraries here are not even open everyday due to budget cuts...that is sad. On a happier note...I got a babysitter for my work Christmas is a miracle! :)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The day after....

Yesterday we had more beach time...this time with the dogs! Finn and Darcy had a blast....

After we got back from the beach, Norah wanted to take a bath...this pic is foreshadowing the night....notice the runny nose....
Well Jeff and I got to go out for our Anniversary (yes I know I do not match...we were going for the super casual look!)...we went to Chive Blossom in Pawleys Island for a drink and one appetizer...since it was super early and no one was there...we asked the bartender to take a pic of us. I told Jeff that I am never in any pics so here is proof that I really exist!

Next we went to Frank's Outback in Pawleys Island and sat at the bar in the back. We had some drinks and small plates and it was so good!!!! We were home by 8 and it was nice to have some time by ourselves! Thanks Mom for watching Norah!
So last night Norah was up coughing and saying how she was it was a long night...I'm hoping it is just a random cold and she will be back to speed tomorrow. I observe at a middle school tomorrow which will complete my observations for the semester. It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is right around the corner!
Another thing Jeff and I discussed last night...I might change my half to a 5K in December if Jeff will do it too...then if we both do the 5K....we will compete with each other! I may run 13 miles slow but I think I can beat him in 3 miles! :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

I love the beach....

So yesterday Norah and I headed to the beach...but first we stopped at "Pigtails and Crewcuts" in Charlotte for another haircut...her 2nd! How funny is this...the woman who cut her hair is the mother of Norah's teacher last year, Ms. Brett!! She is so good during the is surprising!!

Last night was this morning we got up and headed to "Eggs Up Grill" to grab breakfast! Norah had pancakes (shaped like Mickey Mouse) and a banana. Yum!
Then after breakfast we headed to the beach!

After the beach we came back to the house and Norah collected acorns from the yard for her bucket.
Dog info:
So yesterday when Jeff got home...Finn was in a lot of pain regarding his paw. So Jeff took him to the vet this morning and they gave him lots of pain medicine and said his foot could be broken?? So we have to watch him this weekend and give him pain medicine.
My mom took her mini schnauzer, Doc, to the vet today and found out he has diabetes. It is so sad especially since my mom's last mini schnauzer had diabetes too. So they have to monitor Doc for 4 days at the doggie hospital. She is sad and it makes me super sad for her!
Blog: I have gotten some awesome comments from people lately on the blog and I love it! Thanks to those who is so great to read them!
Well I'm off...we are going to order some food for dinner....

Thursday, November 11, 2010

6 years ago...almost...

So our 6th year wedding anniversary is this weekend...November here are some random pics from the big day! (they are in random order too!)

I have to admit that I did not love my photographer and never ordered one pic! I know...that is pretty bad. However, I do have all the proofs and the pics on CD!