
Sunday, July 31, 2011


This weekend has been work, house stuff, family time, etc. I also signed up for after reading about it here and then hearing other good things about it. I got the basics set up so I am looking forward to seeing how August works out! We really need to stay on budget especially since we start back paying for daycare and I will not get paid during student teaching. I'll keep ya posted if I like it!

So Norah is still watching the ole' weather channel....yesterday she came in and told me what the weather was going to be in the Twin Cities and then asked "is that where twins live?" Too cute!

It rained last night and now is raining again....we so need it. Hopefully it can cool the temps down a little. Well off to do laundry, get Norah's lunch packed for dance camp tomorrow and do some school work.

(And a big thank you to all my friends who let us come over to play (can't have kids playing in our house right now!) or hang out while we have showings...I promise to pay back one day!! It really is such a big help and we enjoy it too!)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Almost August...I cannot believe it!

I hate when I don't take pics of baby girl or forget to write things on the blog...since I use this as my "memory book" in a lot of ways. But it has been busy with trying to finish my school, house stuff, etc. Norah went to Art Camp this past week at Noah's Art and LOVED IT! It was so great and she is so into art...and how appropriate that one day was themed "weather!" It was perfect for our future meteorologist!

Dogs are in desperate need of haircuts...they go on Tuesday! They are so hot with all their fur! Also Darcy has learned how to open the sliding glass door by himself...needless to say I have come home twice with it wide open!!!

We actually went back to Norah's school this week for a year end party. It was great to see all her friends and we got a clown that did tricks, face painting and balloon animals...really cute!

Tonight we had some neighbor night getting together with our neighbors for dinner and chit chat! We all went to the pool together earlier in the day too.

So on a random note...we came home and "Top Gun" is on the tv and we are talking about Val Kilmer...who is HOT by the way.

I loved him in "The Saint"...which I own on DVD. Thank you very much.

And today at the age of 51...

Oh well...not quite as hot...(Found an article that said in 2010 he was just going to go on basic eating spree for awhile) :)

Running....I have been working out still but not big runs...I have been walking, some running, work out videos, and gym. However, I did get an e-mail today for a new half marathon in Charlotte March 25, 2012 at the Speedway....looks really interesting. I am almost tempted but...not enough to commit. Well off to do a little school work before bed.

Friday, July 22, 2011

It is a little humid here...

It is so humid here in Charlotte! I mean rain already! Literally I watered the plants last night at like 9 pm and when I was done it was like I stepped out of the shower!

So what has been happening at the Hoppe House...I am trying to catch back up on school...I almost feel like I might actually get everything done in time! Besides school work, trying to keep Norah entertained, keep the house perfect and all the other basics we mom/wives do. Today Norah and I are taking the dogs to the vet for their annual appt so that should be, two dogs and a 4 year old!

I have been super slack with taking pictures and vowed to be better the rest of the summer. The other day...after I "greased" her up for the pool...I snapped a few pics of my precious!

She wanted me to take one of her and her puppies...this is the best one...Finn didn't want any part of it...he is too funny! I did sign Norah up for 2 camps yesterday. Next week she will get to go to Art Camp for 2 hours Monday through Thursday...and then August 1 week...she is off to dance camp Monday through Friday....she is so excited about both camps and making "new friends" as she says. I should have signed her up sooner...but honestly I didn't know what this summer would be like with me in school and the house on the market.

Another fun Norah tidbit is that she has become obsessed with the weather and wants to watch the weather channel all the time. It is hilarious. So she will watch it and tells us if it is going to rain or not. It cracks us up! Maybe she will be a meteorologist one day! :)

So I got a flyer for Princesses on Ice coming to Charlotte in October and a chance to purchase the tickets early. Of course since one of our favorite family activities is to ride the train uptown and see a show of some sort...I got us tickets for October 8! Norah is SO EXCITED!! She literally asks me 10 times a day when we are going and carries the flyer with her even on a bike ride. She loves the Disney Princesses!

So on the house front (I put a link on the side to the house listing), we have had 8 showings but no offers yet. It has all been positive feedback so we just need the ONE to come and see it! I have gone back this week to getting up early to work out to start preparing myself for my schedule once school starts. It is so much better to get it done in the morning! Well I am the vet and hopefully today I can crank out some school stuff! Happy Friday!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Last couple of weeks...

So a little over 2 weeks ago, Norah and I (with the dogs) headed out of town to my mom's house for a few days and then from there headed to the beach. I wasn't in camera mode for some reason so I didn't take very many pictures...I know...bad mommy! Literally I did not even take my camera to the beach at any time...oops! So instead of boring with every is a brief idea of our last two weeks....

There was a lot of beach time. Family in town.

Daddy and Norah getting ready for the golf cart parade to start at the beach!

Norah took her first boat ride on Daddy's boat this was fun! Definitely will be doing that more!

Went to see the mermaid at the Myrtle Beach Aquarium....3 hour trip total...10 minutes of mermaid...oh well! :) Now Norah wants to be a "blue mermaid" for Halloween!
After our time at the beach we headed back to Charlotte this past Friday. Jeff's mom got us free passes to see the movie "Winnie the Pooh" on Saturday before it hits the theaters. It was so cute! It also wasn't very long so it was perfect and Norah laughed a lot during it! Then we went to a pool birthday party for a friend of Norah's from school. And got a quick visit in with Christie and her girls!

Sunday...Jeff came home...Yeah! So Sunday night we were doing some stuff around the house and we had the tv on CBS...and "Big Brother" came on. Now I will confess that I have watched this show numerous seasons and loved it...but also have not watched is definitely either I am into it or not kinda show. Well I look up and there are old contestants on the new show...I love Jeff and Jordan and Evil Dick and Danni are fun to watch too. So maybe I will have a summer tv show to watch!

Well now back to the real world. Norah and I did errands and pool yesterday so today is a home day and I am doing school I am so behind! I have basically a month to finish the classes I am taking before my student teaching starts!