
Monday, December 26, 2011

The Day After.... is so hard to believe that Christmas Day has come and gone. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas (minus an unfortunate incident). Santa was really good to us...we got way too many presents! But of course, we love them all! Now we are having a "pj" day and relaxing, cleaning up, and enjoying being together. We also are wearing, using, or playing with all of our new loot! But alas....we are eating a salad as we have been on food overload this last week!

Of course, there is this one last holiday item I want to make...I need to go buy some candy on sale and make these awesome candy trays....LOVE THEM! (Mom, if you are reading this....let's make these!)

Norah was so excited that Santa had come! She actually went and checked out the plate of cookies first to see that he had eaten them and that the reindeer had taken bites out of the carrots! Santa also left Norah a note! She loved that!

She loved seeing her Daddy open gifts too....

She wrote Santa a letter earlier and asked for "princess, a prince, flamingo and a treasure box"...he came through on all of it! Hence, the flamingo!

Finn checking out the stuff with Norah! Darcy just hanging out...

Norah hanging out on her bean bag chait with her big lolly pop!

Jeff with "our" new cover for the tablet we have...

Norah got these books and it came with a device that is shaped like a cell phone with speakers and you press the buttons and it plays music...she calls it her "iphone" :)

After we opened all the gifts, Jeff's parents came over and we ate a big breakfast. Then we moved to "our positions" for the next couple of hours...

Norah also played with lots of her toys...she spelled her name with her new play-doh! :)

Now we were ready to head to Jeff's brother's house for Hoppe Christmas.

My awesome Neighbor came over to snap a family pic of us! Thanks Sarah!

We headed over to Jeff's brother's house and Jeff's other brother, wife, and son came in town too. We were getting ready to eat when Jeff's dad had a bad fall. It was very scary and we had to call 911. Jeff's mom went in the ambulance with him to the hospital and Jeff's brother, Glenn and Denise, followed by car. The rest of us stayed behind and just waited to hear....

Can you believe these are my niece and nephews! Jonathon is 14 yrs old (in red shirt), Allyson is 17 yrs old and Wil is 18 yrs old (plaid shirt)...Norah loves all her cousins! They were also amazing and entertained Norah for the 7 hours that we were there and in wait mode. Thanks guys and girl...ya'll are the best!! Norah already misses ya'll this morning!

When we finally heard that Mr. Hoppe had a cracked rib and they were sending him when they arrived....everyone was worn out especially those who went to the hospital. Mrs. Hoppe and Jonathon getting in the Holiday spirit and ready to open presents!

All the kids opened away!

Jeff and his Dad. Jeff was so worried all day that it was hard for him to enjoy the day but once he knew he was okay...he was better and able to enjoy the rest of the night! (it is so hard to see my hubby Jeff sad...I don't like it!) :)

Norah got a princess tent and she wanted to see if Daddy could fit in it with her...barely!

So I did a terrible job of pictures of Glenn, Denise, Robyn, Allan...or the dog, Kaylie (SP?) as she did a good job of entertaining Norah too! as always I need to be better about being a photo obsessed person and snap more pics! :)

Well back to a day of relaxation...there is football on at 5...UNC vs. Missouri so that will be watched. Other than that, just enjoying our time at home. I still cannot believe I am off all week...I have never had the week off at Christmas in all my working years so it is a TREAT! I guess I'll start taking down all the Christmas stuff down and packed away this week (we think it is bad luck to have any Christmas stuff up past the New Year!) Also it is the first time in a few years that I am excited about my upcoming birthday (haven't been a fan of getting older lately...) but this year I am! I hope everyone is enjoying their time with family and friends during the holiday as much as I am!! :)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

We wish you a Merry Christmas....

It is so exciting that it is Christmas Eve! Jeff and I are sitting by the fire with the Christmas tree all lit it! I was thinking about how Norah is so into Christmas this year and has been really good about remembering that it is Jesus' Birthday tomorrow too and not just all about Santa....

So here is a run down memory lane via the Christmas cards we have sent since we have had Norah...
Christmas 2011 (Norah - age 4.5 years old)

Christmas 2010 (Norah- age 3.5 years old)

Christmas 2009 (Norah- age 2.5 yrs old)

Christmas 2008 (Norah- age 1.5 yrs old)

Christmas 2008 (Norah- age 6 months; couldn't find electronic copy...)

This was fun to see and makes me realize how next year...I am going to put the year on it so I can remember! :)

Today has been a great day...Norah and I ran a couple errands this morning and then came home and Norah was playing with some of her presents from yesterday. We watched Christmas movies and tv shows...just hung out. We also walked the dogs and she rode her new "bike."

Norah concentrating on her art work :)

She also helped the neighbors with putting out their luminaries...I am totally doing it next year...I just didn't think about it. And today there is not enough money for me to go shopping anywhere with crowds to get the bags! :) (If you know me....I am an online shopper...I am not a big fan of going to the mall or stores...unless it is super necessary...)

We decorated cookies for Santa and Norah had me write a note to Santa...she also asked for me to leave carrots and a knife for Santa so he could feed the reindeer! (The knife thing made me laugh!)

Well it is time to put on the new PJs my mom got us and head to bed....hope Santa comes tonight!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Santa came for a quick visit!

We headed south yesterday to my mom's house (aka Nini and Pops) and rumor had it that Santa was having some sled troubles and was stopping in Aiken to have it checked out. So he decided to come by and drop off part of their Christmas early to lighten his sled....

This is like a 4-wheeler bike (I think it is made by Berg?)..Norah's is pink and white and is super cute! She loves it!!

She was a little hesitant of Santa at first...

She definitely did not want Daddy to leave her side....

But in the end...she was very excited to meet Santa and couldn't believe she got to see him before Christmas!! (A big thanks to Santa for coming by!!) :)

So today my sister and her two boys came and Santa had left them the same 4-wheelers in different colors! They rode around the back porch all morning!

We ate lots of super yummy foods and then loaded up to head back to Charlotte.

Oh yeah...Norah opened a few gifts too from her Aunt Erica and Aunt Susan/Uncle Bill and a couple from Nini and Pops...she loved that! Also...thanks Aunt Susan/Uncle Bill and Mom and Denny for the presents for Jeff and I...we love it! (I especially LOVE my bag for work!!! It is exactly what I would have picked....I was so surprised!!!)

My mom loaded us up with lots of leftovers that we ate when we got home and then settled in to enjoy the gifts we got so far and relax! Thank you so much Nini and Pops for hosting us and doing all you do! We enjoyed everything!

Norah with her Rory's Story Cubes...

Just 2 more days!! :) (No pictures of me and Jeff he must take some for me on Christmas!!)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

3 More Days!!

It is such a fun time of year! We are getting very excited about Christmas around here! This past Friday we went to Jeff's work party at Capital Grille uptown Charlotte. I didn't get a pic of us at the table but took one on the way in the car...yes...I am a dork and took one of us at a stop light! :)

The weekend turned into a Pajama Weekend....and we just chilled out! It was much needed!

Norah is too cute and loves dressing up in her different head gear these days! :)

I worked on Monday and Tuesday and now am free until January 2! My mom came up on Monday and watched Norah Monday afternoon and Tuesday...they had a great time together. Then she babysat while Jeff and I went to the movies on Tuesday night to see "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" I have mentioned before I have read the book and seen the Swedish version of the movie...the US movie was awesome! It was so good that Jeff and I said we could see it again! Go see it now! And of the books!

Well I must have caught a cold and have been struggling a little with that but hopefully I will be 100% again by the BIG Day. :) Today we had the 4th Annual Cookie Decorating at my house for the the girls. This year we added Gingerbread House Decorating and they had a great time! I love seeing the girls grow up...they are the cutest!!!

Norah with her plate of cookies and Gingerbread House...

McIver, Norah, Harper and Perry!

Well now we are off to visit SC for a little Santa time with my family. It will be a quick trip and then before you know will be Christmas! I just hope the weather gets colder...I hate a warm Christmas! :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas is all around me...

(Post Title)...Don't you love that song from "Love Actually"...I seriously looked up the it! On the movie front, I really want to see the new "Mission Impossible"...I loved all the other ones!

Definitely going to see the American version of "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"...loved the book, loved the Swedish version of the movie and let's face it....I love Daniel Craig!

I did see the Twilight movie...Breaking Dawn...Part 1....of course I liked it because I am "Team Edward" and love Twilight. :)

About a week ago, Norah had her Christmas parade at school...each class walks around the school and dresses in some sort of theme.

After the parade, they put on their Christmas program...Norah did so great this year! It was very cute!!

Norah was an Angel in the program and after that we headed back to her class for their Christmas party. My mom was able to come up and see it all this year and then she kept Norah for the rest of the day...they had a blast! Norah loved the whole day! (Hate that I didn't get a pic of Norah with my mom, me and/or Jeff!)

This past weekend, Jeff, Norah and I went to the Singing Christmas Tree for Kids and had a good time. It seemed shorter this year but was still fun!

Now...tomorrow is the last day the students will come to school so I got some goodie bags ready for them. My classes have a Recipe Project due tomorrow that deals with fractions so they are allowed to bring in their recipes and we will be having a "Fraction Feast!" It should be fun!

Also on a true meaning of Christmas note...I send out an e-mail to some friends asking for support for some kids in need at my school. I got a lot of support and the donations that I collected were given to our guidance counselor and she was able to purchase backpacks, food to fill the bags, and grocery store gift cards so that some kids in need would have food for the winter break. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE THAT DONATED! It really meant the world to me, the guidance counselor, the school and most importantly to the kids who will get to pick up their backpack tomorrow. Here is a pic I took with my cell phone of some of the bags after we had gotten some ready to go. Just know that there are over 4,700 homeless children enrolled in our school district in 2011...information from here...

Trust me...being with these kids everyday...really great is amazing how a little help goes a long way. You can always contact a local school in your area, ask to speak to the guidance counselor and see how you can help.

So of course it reminds me how lucky we are and I stole this picture of a blog and thought it was a nice reminder of all the things we sometimes take for granted.

So now that you are in deep thought...onto some Holiday fun. I saw these ornaments and thought they were really cute! If they go on sale after Christmas they would be cute to pick up for next year for Jeff's and Norah's stockings!

Jeff went to Appalachian State for college and it is the "team" I am on at school!

This would be perfect for Norah because they sing a "Happy Birthday, Jesus" song every year that is so cute! All these ornaments can be found here

Of course I thought I needed to post some random dog pics....

This is one of the ones that didn't make it for Christmas cards...I mean it is really hard to take a pic of a 4 year old and two dogs! How funny is Darcy in the pic...he cracks me up! I swear a human lives in him with his eyes... :)

Seriously...Norah put these antlers of Finn and it didn't even phase him...I had time to get my camera and take a picture...he didn't even flinch....ha!

Well it is time to get a few things done before tomorrow's big day...Fraction Feast, our team of teachers are ordering lunch and then we have Jeff's work's Christmas party...busy day and lots of eating going on! :)