
Monday, February 27, 2012

Today was a day....

So today was crazy. I was at school from 7:30 am to 5:10 pm today and did not stop to breathe for one second. At our school, if a teacher is out for the day and they cannot find a substitute (which seems to be the case most of the time)...the teachers who are there cover the teacher's classroom during our planning. And in my case, I actually had a math planning meeting today that was important that I had to miss. It also meant that I had NO BREAK. Oh well...let's hope that all the teachers that were out today are back tomorrow...

On another note...we decided to rent our condo through Litchfield Inn this year instead of handling the rentals ourselves. The bathroom was just completely renovated and can't beat the price to stay on the beach. If anyone is interesting in renting can rent directly through The Litchfield Inn at and our unit is 153. My mom actually owns the unit next door which is 152 if you wanted two units.

I have to admit that I did not watch the Oscars but today I saw some of the dresses when I hit up and there were a few that I thought looked really good. Emma Stone...
Octavia Spencer...
Gwyneth Paltrow...did not like the cape she wore over it but love the dress...
And seriously...J. Lo had twins? You would never know...I thought she looked amazing...
I think that I liked that they all wore their hair simple and make-up was good too...
And why not throw in another completely different thought...Saw this sign in a local gift shop the other day...I think I will have it one day!
Well now time to hit the bed and prepare myself for hopefully a slightly more calmer day tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wednesday randomness....

Today I got home and what was at my front door...a package from the Graduate School at UNCC...and inside was my Graduate Certificate in Teaching! There was a lot that went into that me! Now I want to have it framed so it will match my Clemson diploma and my paralegal certificate and I need to frame Jeff's diploma too. So now when to start my Masters program...thinking Fall??...(Obviously...I like to going to school!) :)
So I had to run to CVS today and I saw this HUGE Reese's and yes, I put them on the floor with a regular size Reese's egg beside it for comparison (and took a pic with my phone because I was that shocked)...can you believe how big they are! It was hilarious! And believe it or not...we didn't buy any of it!
Last night I watched Breaking Dawn: Part 1...again...yes, I have issues...swear I almost bought a t-shirt at Target the other day with Edward on it to wear around the house...but I held back. :)
So when deciding what book to read next...I choose "Matterhorn"...since I am a Prime member I was able to borrow it for FREE and you know that I love FREE!! It got really good reviews so I am excited about it. It deals with the Vietnam War which I do not know a lot I seem to read more about the other wars in books so I am interested in reading about it. Well off to get ready for tomorrow! Just two more days until the weekend! Wahoo!

Sunday, February 19, 2012


It is official...I am obsessed with "Downton Abbey"...LOVE it!!! So I watched the entire first season for free on Amazon Prime Instant Videos and I was hooked after the first episode. Since I am new to the show...I am not sure when the next actual show comes it over until the fall? Gotta look into that..
Well I did not feel good at all on Friday but went to work anyway...I probably shouldn't have but oh well. Saturday came and Norah and I ran our usual errands to Target, Harris Teeter, etc. Jeff and I did some cleaning and yard work. I watched more of my new obsession and Jeff watched the movie "Drive." Then I found out that some of the Harry Potter movies are playing on ABC Family this weekend so I recorded those to watch at some other time. Today has been laundry and such but honestly, this weekend has been great...productive, restful and honestly just doing whatever we weekends like that!
I did finish the book "Shiver" I was reading and it was okay but now I can't decide what direction I want to go next in a book...I of course need one to read! Here are a few I noticed and thought about...but again, can't decide what type of book I want to read next...any suggestions or anyone heard of any of these??
I have also been trying to find a way to get back on a workout schedule. It has been so sporadic lately as I have tutoring on some mornings before school or a meeting, etc. so I really am trying to figure out when and what I should do. Once I get back on track then it becomes easy for me to stay with it but I have to find a consistent time as I like to have a routine. I just need a few more hours in each day! :)
Well now we are waiting on my mom to get here (we are excited!) as she is going to watch Norah tomorrow since she is out of school but I have a teacher workday. I have to go to another middle school tomorrow which is about 30-40 minutes away for some class. I must admit that I wish I could stay home with my mom and Norah instead! Well back to enjoy a wonderful weekend!!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Three Things Thursday...

1. I love that it is Random Acts of Kindness Week...
I have written a few notes to some teachers and placed in their in-box for a positive "hello"! and I got breakfast for the teachers on my team this morning. It is nice doing something for someone just because...just think if everyone did something this week!
2. I keep hearing some things about the TV show Downtown Abbey and now I want to watch it currently on tv? Is this something I will have to buy/rent on itunes?
3. I am loving the "Wish List" you can create on created one in December and now when I see or hear of a book I want...I just add it to my wish list so I don't forget abou it. Clever.
3.1 (Ya know I couldn't stop at just 3 things...) I am so ready for this has been a busy week!
3.2 A big congrats to our fabulous neighbors...they are expecting their 3rd baby this summer! We are very happy for ya'll!! (And Sarah...if you are reading this...Norah thinks you are having a girl and should name her Sally) Ha! :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day...

So still haven't found (or looked...oops!) for my camera cord so this is a pic taken by my phone tonight. Norah said "I love Valentine's Day, it is so fun." She had a Valentine Party at school and racked up on cards and candy. The teachers even gave them each a balloon. Then she got home and Daddy Jeff surprised her with a stuffed dog (we had already given her a puzzle and book this morning) and he had actually gotten me a rose and card...who is this man!!?? I mean Jeff doing this was so awesome and he totally did it on his own. So I was surprised and happy! So we decided to have a family Valentine's dinner at The Flying Biscuit and Norah wanted to take her new "lovie." Dinner was perfect and now we are home.
The kids at school today with me were jacked up on sugar but really sweet...I even got a few Valentine's and goodies put on my desk which was really sweet....why did my font change all of a sudden? Well I guess that will be it for the night as I'm not sure how to fix it.... :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Books, Movie and Valentine's...

I am so excited to get to blog again and have a computer that is working! YEAH! I had some cute pictures of Norah today but cannot find the camera cord to connect it to the those pictures will have to be on another day...

Norah was the special helper one day this week so she got to take something for "Show and Tell" and it had to start with the letter "U." On her own, she thought of her book Pinkalicious, "School Rules" which has Goldie the Unicorn in it. She was so excited that the teacher's read it to the class!

I read "Matched" by Ally Condie and did not really enjoy it as I found it boring so I do not think I will be reading anymore of the series. Now I am reading "Shiver" by Maggie Stiefvater and it is better than "Matched" but I still not loving it yet so we'll see if I read the rest of the series after this book.
I have been sad that I have left Harry Potter world and contemplate re-reading the series again. I know...I know....I have also seen that they sell the actual wands like in the Harry Potter movies at a store in the Harry Potter Park in Disney World and yes...I have thought about having one!!! :)
-->(Meredyth...we should so get one!!!) <--
Check it out here...
But I did see this book "Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and hope in a Mumbai undercity" by Katherine Boo that looks interesting so it may go on the "To be read" book list.
Also there are some cute kid movies coming out...."Lorax" and I admit that I do not remember this story as of now but it looks cute and Zac Efron voices one of the enough said!
Also "Mirror Mirror" looks interesting and I so want to see how they modernize Snow White as she was my favorite princess when I was growing up. I think it also means that I am old since Julia Roberts is too old to play Snow White...and instead is the "Mirror" :)
Last night Jeff and I watched the movie "Columbiana" and it was pretty good...I tried to talk him into watching "Drive" but maybe we will watch that one next weekend. (I actually tried to get him to watch Twilight-"Breaking Dawn Part 1" and I got a "no way" so "Columbiana" it was!)
Valentine's Day is Tuesday and Norah is in charge of bringing napkins for their party at school (gotta pick those up tomorrow!) and of course she is taking some Princess Valentine's with Tattoos for all her friends and teachers. We have her a puzzle and a book for Valentine's Day too. My mom used to always get us a box of Russell Stover Pecan Delights aka Turtles for Valentine's Day. LOVE them! Yummy!
And since I know Jeff well enough to know that he will not be coming home with a box of chocolates for me...maybe I should make these Chocolate Turtle Cookies....
Um....yeah...those would be so good!! Here is the recipe....
Well I am off to get ready for tomorrow, watch Adele on the Grammy's, and just hang out a little. I also have lost all my "Favorites" websites that I had found over the years and had so many blogs about Recipes, Organization, Teaching, etc. that I would check out and now I feel a little sad that I can't remember where I got such good ideas will have to start finding them again! And I was thinking about what to do for my students for Valentine's Day and think I will let my students pick something out of my "reward box" that I have in my has pencils and candy...two vital things to make it through middle school! :) Also it wouldn't let me hyperlink any words in this post and I think the spacing is bad again. Oh well...

Friday, February 10, 2012

New Computer...

This is the big story of my life these days. I have been without a computer for about 2 weeks as my dear old laptop got some nasty virus and no luck yet in getting it fixed. While I was computer-less (which drove me nuts big time), I seemed to have to be at school more to get things ready as even though I have our tablet, iphone and ipod word or excel to do school work! So now we are back to normal around here and I must admit that I am loving my new computer! I just got a new Dell laptop as that is what I had would have been nice to get an Apple laptop but not in the budget for now. Well I am off to clean a little and hit the bed. Tomorrow Norah has a birthday party to go to and I hope to get a little work done in my room at school too.
(I feel like so much has been happening that I haven't documented on the good ole' blog so must get better about it since this is my "scrapbook" of our lives! And how crazy that I have had the blog going for 2 years now...)