
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Birthday and other stuff...

Well my birthday has come and gone. It all started with a little fun with my students as we watched a movie and just had a fun Friday to start my birthday weekend off right! Then there was a lot of relaxing involved (love!), Harry Potter movie watching, and we even took Norah to a kid's birthday party at the bowling alley on my birthday. We got to meet the parents of one of the cute girls in Norah's class so that was fun! I got the best present ever from Norah...she painted me a white owl! And then I was surprised by a cake from Jeff and Norah..."Hedwig" cake! It was hard to tell who was more excited about the or Norah! The cake was not only awesome but tasted super yummy too (red velvet inside)...thanks to Pawleys Island Bakery (they are the best!) We also were lucky in that my mom came to town and took us out to eat...we let Norah decide on where to go...and ended up at the Pawleys Island Raw Bar aka Blue Crab which was a good time and good food.

I also ordered a good many books (I mean can we say obsession!) for my birthday that I cannot wait to receive. I also recently finished reading three books...

I enjoyed "Inferno" as I do all of Dan Brown's books. It is fast paced, love all the research and interesting facts, and the Langdon character (love that he is smart, funny, and a little quirky) is a good read. I really enjoyed "Rules of Civility" and highly recommend it to anyone. It has me still thinking about it. I actually tagged a few paragraphs in the book that I think are so well written and meaningful. It is a book that I know I will read a second time. And then the 2nd book in the Percy Jackson world as I needed something a little more low-key after reading "Rules of Civility." I think the Percy Jackson series is cute.

Norah is growing like a weed these days. We went to her school's ceremony for being a "Terrific Kid" at school and you realize how tall she is when standing to other students. I love that she is so tall! She has enjoyed the painting classes lately and also painted a cute jelly fish pic. She is also doing so well in school and could not be prouder of her! I love that she is a big reader and excels in math too!

And the "Mountaineer" team that I was lucky to be a part of when I taught in Charlotte sent me a pic of us that I think was from the yearbook...we were obviously outside closely watching our students of course...we were the best team...just sayin'! :)

Well since the party is over today...I guess it is off to do some work at school and then do the weekly chores at home! But I am secretly hoping for a snow day this week here!

And a shout out to our sweet friend Ellie who has the flu!!! Get better soon...we miss ya!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Charlotte Time...

With a crazy, busy short week at work...I ended up in Charlotte for Thursday and Friday. Thursday I went to Randolph Middle School to check out their IB program. Our school is headed down the IB road with the diploma program first (11th and 12th grades) but we want to make sure the rest of our school fits so we can expand the program. First, if you know nothing about gotta check it out. If there is one near you...go is pretty awesome and I highly recommend. I had a great experience at Randolph...the principal and student ambassadors were fabulous and extremely helpful with my zillion questions. It was wonderful to hear the information and now I cannot wait to share it with our school! (A huge THANKS to my sister-in-law aka Aunt Robyn for entertaining Norah while I went to this...Norah loved spending time with ya!)

I was also able to get some errands done with Norah in the afternoon...she got a haircut, new shoes, and a book...I love that she carries the book with her and reads at any opportunity! (she is reading "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid")

We also were lucky enough to meet up with our old neighbors and have an impromptu neighbor night on Thursday. The kids played hard, we ordered pizza, and I got to gab with these two amazing ladies! (Miss you Meredith and Sarah...aka best neighbors ever!) I love when a kid takes a picture for never know what you will get! (Good job William!)

Friday Jeff headed into work while Norah and I had breakfast, a trip to the library, errands, quiet time to read our books, visits with friends and dinner out. And yes...that is a real beer Jeff is drinking!

On Saturday...Jeff went to visit some friends....Norah and I ran around town. She actually wanted to shop for clothes which she has never asked to do before...she wanted dresses. I let her pick out some things and it is crazy to think how she is growing up! Then Norah and her daddy went on a date night (had dinner out and visit with Aunt Robyn and Uncle her new dress and head band!) while I met some friends out! Loved seeing all the girls and had a blast! It was a very fun night and so happy that we were all able to get together as it is hard to get everyone out together with all of our crazy schedules (Was thinking that between the 7 of us girls...we have 15 kids!)  :) And Julie's birthday was Friday so was able to give her a birthday hug!

Today we got to chat with Jeff's mom some about her adventure in Mexico that she has been on all week and then packed it up to head back to the beach. Hated to run out on Jeff's mom but we did need to head home...loved seeing her pictures and was thankful for being able to stay in her house while she was away. Whew! Let's just say a nap happened when I got home! Loved all the Charlotte time we had and so happy to have gotten to see so many people while we were in town!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The latest...

Well once we returned to reality after break...just regular everyday stuff happening around here. There was some book club action at my house this past week which was a lot of fun and our next book was selected by the next host..."Rules of Civility" by Amor Towles which looks awesome.

My mom and Denny brought Norah a large, stuffed owl...and I'm so jealous! It is really cute and Norah named it "Who Who" which makes me chuckle...especially when you use it in sentences... :)

This weather has been so wacky here...earlier this week it was freezing, by the weekend I was in shorts, and then Saturday night I went to pick Norah up from mom and Denny's house and it was a monsoon...then driving back it felt like a tornado was coming...then today is cold weird! This weekend has been ultra low key which has been nice and needed. Well today my favorite two NFL teams are playing...Panthers (there has been a lot of yelling at the TV) and Broncos (please win!) Watching the pre-game shows is half the fun too. I love that Mike Ditka stated that Manziel was a great football player but needs to be a better person and then on FOX Terry Bradshaw is completely random...he cracks me up! And tonight "Downton Abbey" and the new series on HBO..."True Detective" comes on that looks good. I think our DVR will be getting some use. Whew!

Well I hope the Panthers pull through and win this one. I guess I do need to be a little productive the rest of the day so off to actually get dressed. (PJ day has been nice!)  :)
So I'll leave you with a glimpse of a Birthday Wish List...I mean it is not everyday that you turn "29"... :)

Bag // Watch // Necklace 

Also I think this guy is genius...Opening a Wine Bottle without a Corkscrew...I kinda want to try it to see if it works.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The end of break (sigh) happenings...

I cannot believe that break is over and school is back tomorrow (I'm not ready!) It has been a much needed break and so fun to be with Norah more and I know it will take a couple of days to get back into our routine. I will miss just be able to sit and read a book with no agenda...basically just do whatever we wanted whenever we wanted to do it! Oh well...Spring Break is only a few months away! :)

Okay...back to what has been happening...our amaryllis planted earlier in December bloomed on pretty!

On Friday Glenn and the kids were going to see "Frozen" and since Norah and I had already seen it...Norah wanted to see it again...Norah went with them while I went into the theatre next door to watch "American Hustle."

I thought this movie was pure fun! Christian Bale rocked out his role...the comb over...hilarious! I love that I have gotten to see these great movies over break. Speaking of movies...two previews caught my eye..."Winter's Tale" coming out February 2014 and "Million Dollar Arm" coming out May 2014.

Then it was home to watch the Clemson game (I did not wear my Clemson attire as last time they lost when I did and didn't want to jinx it...) and what do you know...we won! Awesome!

Saturday was all about gearing up for, errands, house stuff, etc. and then had dinner with co-workers which was a blast! I had two cute students babysit for me so Norah loved that!

I guess with football looming towards the end (and "Homeland" is over for the season...I will miss ya Saul!) least we have a couple new series coming back on..."Downton Abbey" and "Banshee." Now Banshee is very geared towards adults and it is the second season coming up so it is either going to be great or suck. We'll have to see. I also watched "Jessie" on Disney with Norah over break and think it is a cute show!

Today Jeff went on a little hunting adventure....

Yes...that is gross and no...we are not eating it!

This weather is so was like 30 degrees and today it is 65...rain is coming in...crazy! I think this means I need some cute rain boots...short and glossy or tall, glossy "huntress" version? :)

Well I guess it is time to make sure Norah's lunch box and back pack are ready to go for tomorrow...and all that good stuff. And of course...the countdown is on...20 days till the birthday (yes, I am obnoxious about it!)

Thursday, January 2, 2014

The start of 2014...

New Year's Day we went to a friend's house to watch some football and ate all our good luck food...greens, black eye peas, and pork. It sucked to watch Georgia lose the family was actually there for it and I don't think the rain helped their spirits.

Today I had to take Norah back to the dermatologist and she was so brave as she had some stuff done to her legs again and a 10 day prescription of antibiotics...that she is not excited about taking (there is bribery involved.) I was so proud of her...but it is hard to see your baby in pain. She then headed to work with me where I got a few things done. We also met some friends at a local place..."Get Fired Up"...and believe it or not...I totally forgot to take pics (I guess I was too enthralled in my own painting!) Norah painted a penguin and I did an owl mug...cannot wait to see how they turn out next week. ;)

Jeff took Norah to work with him for about an hour in the late afternoon so I could head to the movies. I saw "Saving Mr. Banks"...

Of course the acting was can do no wrong with Tom Hanks or Emma Thompson (love them both!) was interesting to see the story play out since it is based on actual events. It actually made me want to know more about Walt Disney himself too.

Now we are gearing up to watch some football. The AJ Starr and AJ McCarron story on ESPN before the game was such a good story! Made me tear up and now I am definitely pulling for Alabama!