
Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas 2014...

Christmas Eve we headed to was such a cute program! Hard to believe it was 70 degrees here on Christmas Eve!

After Church we went to a friend's house so the kids could play while we had nibbles, drinks, and chatted it up!
Headed home and waited for Santa to arrive!

He came! Norah was super excited to get up and see what all Santa had brought!

The dogs were quite happy with what Santa brought them too!

After we finished with Santa time, ate breakfast, and showered up...we hit the road! We drove to Greensboro, NC to see Jeff's family (8 hours in the car in one day...whew!)

Getting ready to eat a late lunch.

Norah had them playing one of her was really cute!

Jeff and his two brothers.
Jeff with his mom and brothers...

I forgot to get someone to take a pic of Jeff, Norah, and I while there...oops (good thing I take a zillion car selfies of the three of us!) Santa was so good to all of us this year...really amazing! At home...Norah has been playing with Christmas gifts non-stop, Jeff has gone hunting, we have spent time with friends, and just enjoyed our time at home.

Now it is a Harry Potter Weekend on ABC Family...which is my favorite! Also getting to read some books and about to visit some friends to watch a little football...I do think there is more oysters involved!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas Eve...

We had friends over to decorate (and eat) cookies, make an ornament, and just play. Had a fun time!

Norah and Finn just hanging out....

Amanda and I took the girls to an indoor pool for them to swim and then out to lunch. I've so enjoyed all the time I have gotten to spend with my baby girl!

Today as the rain continues to come down (so over the rain!)...Norah and I are chilling out. We are going to bake some cookies, head to Church later today, and then to a friend's house. We are super excited at our house that Santa comes tonight! Elf Charlie brought PJs for Norah to wear tonight with a note which was a big hit! It is really fun to see Christmas through are the best! Then tomorrow...Happy Birthday Jesus!

Monday, December 22, 2014

3 days to go...

Saturday we got some down time in the morning before having lunch out at Landolfi's (it closes for the week of have to get it all in this week!) Then ran a few errands. Norah chilled out on her sleeping bags with the dogs for awhile.

Then we had dinner with Frankie and Denny and came back to our house for a little Christmas action.

Norah was excited to open the big box...Darcy looks intrigued too!

Tire swing!
She was in a silly mood too and covered Jeff in cups!

Sunday we went to Church and then headed to Myrtle Beach to see The Nutcracker performed by a youth dance group. Norah's first time at the Nutcracker!

Had another new wine (Branching out over break!)...big thumbs up and I recommend. Got a bottle at Target for $12...can't beat that! Have no fear...Apothic is still my go to wine as of now! ;)

Well today brings cookie decorating, arts/crafts, movie, and the best part...hanging with some friends.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

5 days to go...

Today is the first full day of Christmas Break! YEAH! This past Wednesday we had dinner for Jeff's work...we had such fun with everyone and yummy food too! (The first pic cracks me up as Jeff claims I blinded him with the flash!)

Thursday morning I went to Norah's Christmas party at school...breakfast themed which I thought was a great idea! The kids loved it!

Thursday night was book club and a little book exchange time...too much fun! (Have to post the outtakes) There was some book "stealing" and the night may have ended where there was dancing and singing some RUN-DMC...however, I missed that part! Love ya ladies!

Norah gave Jeff and I an ornament she made at school and wrapped us something else for under the tree they made at school too...cannot wait to find out what it is!

Yesterday was the end of school and we headed to the movies and dinner at PF Changs to celebrate. We watched "Night at the Museum 3" and all really liked it...very cute! I loved Dan Stevens in it! And Dick Van Dyke can still dance! But it was sad to see Robin Williams...hard to believe he is gone.

Eating at PF Changs makes me feel like I'm in Charlotte...had a new wine to me called Colby Red. It is a blend (I'm digging blends lately!) and it has a neat story behind it.
So I found out that Will & Grace is playing reruns on the WE channel (Ch. 66 here) and I'm loving it! I forgot how funny it is...and because of some ongoing lawsuit it has not been digitalized so it is not on Netflix, Amazon, or! So gonna try to catch it when I can.

Well today I have a few errands to run but most importantly we are celebrating Christmas with my mom and Denny so should be a fun day!