
Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Lately, books, and a dream...

Well last week Norah had a half day at school on Friday to make up for one of the flood days. So a friend and I took the kiddos along with some of their friends to SkyZone in Mt. Pleasant to jump! Then Norah had one of the girls over to spend the night. Unfortunately, that Friday night I started not feeling so good. Next thing I know...I was sick Saturday, Sunday, and no cute Norah pics or anything else too exciting. I was pumped about Clemson's win on Saturday but that was the extent to my weekend. Norah did have a lot of play time with neighbors and Jeff cooked on his new grill!

On the book front...I finally got over my book hangover from "The Martian" by reading some easy, good reads.

I enjoy all of Elin Hilderbrand books and "The Matchmaker" did not disappoint. If you like chick lit...then you must read Hilderbrand's books.

Next up was "The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry" and it has been on my TBR list for awhile. It is a short book at under 300 pages and it was not what I was expecting. I enjoyed it and it covers a lot of ground in those pages. There is a lot of literary references in the book which were interesting and it was a sweet story about love of all varieties.

I'm still in the "light" reading mode so we will see what is next!

Now on to the dreaming much do I want to go to London?! But now I really want to go to London in the summer of 2016 to see the new play "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child." Ummm...hello...I so want to go! I think this would be amazing to see! I hope they bring it over to the USA after it runs in London or even a movie? I'm not picky! ;)

Well tonight Norah is off to go with friends to a Church Halloween Festival and she is pretty excited! 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Grill, Weekend Happenings, and Wine...

Jeff's birthday present arrived from my mom and Denny on Wednesday...a Big Green Egg...and he was super excited! He put it together and it sits on this nest you can wheel around...he is already planning what will be the first meal cooked on it this weekend!!

This past weekend was the Wooden Boat Show in Georgetown. My step-sister and step-brother along with their spouses came down for the weekend and to celebrate my step-father's birthday! It was so GREAT to see them and get to hang out some! The weekend was so jam packed that I didn't really take that many! We did have some family pics taken and it will be interesting to see how they turned out. We went to the sponsor tent on Saturday and tried to walk the streets some it was packed! I'm glad everyone came our to support the local vendors especially after the flood happenings. It was fun to see a lot of people we knew and even some old students! Norah and I left early afternoon and then came back to pick up Jeff later. Friday and Saturday nights we hung out with the family at my mom and Denny's house which was super fun!
It also was a good day for the Clemson Tigers and another win!!!

I got to partake in some new to me wines this weekend and they were all fabulous!

Sunday Jeff went hunting and Norah and I said goodbye to everyone and then tried to relax and regroup for the week. I must say that we were all tired today from our big weekend...but it was worth it!

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Tuesday Things...

 We celebrated Jeff's birthday this weekend. Norah wanted to get Daddy the game of Monopoly and rain boots. I was really impressed that she came up with those and he loved them! We went out to eat and ate too much! :)

On the way home I took these pics from the moving car (Jeff was driving) was awesome looking!

Saturday we watched football including this fabulous game with some friends!

Jeff blew out his candle!

Jeff got to go hunting on his actual birthday so he was a happy birthday boy! Plus he got another gift that he is pretty excited about...picture to come soon! Happy 48th make it look so good! We love you bunches!

Today also brings us back into school mode. Norah's school opened back up on a two hour delay. In our county...there are parts that are completely devastated and it will be a long, long time before they are back in their homes, etc. Again, we are so fortunate that we did not have any damage to our home. 

On other news...Norah spent the night out on Sunday night with a friend which she loved!! So when she got home she was worn out. It was so cute! We hung out and made homemade pretzels! I really thought it would not work as I'm not usually good with working with yeast...but they came out great!

So I'll admit that it is hard to get back in gear today after being out of a normal routine for a week and a half but hoping it starts getting easier. Also the birthday week continues as my sister's birthday is tomorrow and then we are celebrating my step-dad's birthday this weekend.

Friday, October 9, 2015

Friday Five...

1. It is still surreal to see all the flooding in our area and in the entire state. We are very fortunate that we haven't had any damage but so many are not as lucky. Our county has closed our schools for the week so Norah has been home. The sun finally came out this week and it makes you hope that the flooding has an end in sight.

2. Norah wanted to paint pottery one day...she is so precise when we go and we always have it!!

3. Went to see the movie "The Martian" with my mom...loved it. Of course, the book is way better and more detailed but a great adaption of the book.

4. I've branched away for my ole' Apothic Red wine. Having really cut back the drinking since not working (teachers really do need to drink!) and so when I have been having a drink...I have been branching out on the wines or drinking a vodka drink. Now I have picked up my old favorites of Louis.M.Martini and Liberty School Cabernet...but I've had some good Zinfandels and other Cabernets that I have enjoyed. Any suggestions are welcomed!

5. Speaking of drinks...we are starting to celebrate Jeff's birthday this weekend (his actual birthday is Monday, October 12.) And no wine for Jeff...just beer!! Happy early birthday Jeff!

Sunday, October 4, 2015


This weekend South Carolina is under water and it is heartbreaking to see all the pictures of the damages. And tonight we are supposed to get more rain...just devastating. Our house actually sits pretty high on our lot so we have not had any problems yet so we are more than grateful. Prayers for the night and the long road ahead for those whose lives are forever changed by this disaster.

Earlier in the week, I still had my "book hangover" from "The Martian" so I decided I needed to watch some random TV...

So I never watched "Gossip Girl" when it was actually on TV...this is how all Netflix binges happen for me. I am in Season 2 already and love it! Quite addicting and Chuck Bass...I heart him! He cracks me up. ;)

Had a wine night this week...always fun!
Saw this on Facebook and it made me laugh but oh so true! Seriously...check it out HERE and you are covered for teacher gifts!

Believe it or not...I took this pic while I was walking in my neighborhood this past Tuesday. No filter and isn't it beautiful?! I cannot wait for the sun to come back out to dry us out!

This happened...Yep it was time for my upgrade from the 5s and I love it so far!

Saturday we dressed in our Clemson orange and headed to a friend's to watch football all day! Hated to see Georgia lose but I will say it was a great day for the Tigers! I was glued to the TV from 9 am-12 noon watching Gameday at Clemson as well as the 8 pm game time. It was so cool!

The kids dressing up and dancing! They always have a good time!

Seriously...Dabo is fabulous!

Well school is canceled tomorrow as the roads are tricky around here and with more rain tonight...I pray for good news in the morning. Darcy and Finn are over the rain too!

Stay safe South Carolina!