
Friday, February 19, 2016

Bits of Everything...(yep, some randoms)

Valentine's Day came and Norah made little bags of goodies for her classmates. They turned out really cute!
Jeff and Norah went to the Daddy/Daughter dance and had the best time. It was the third time they have is so cute!! Here are the pictures from 2013, 2015, and then this year! (She did not go in 2014)

She is growing up so fast...slow down!!! :)

Jeff's brother Allan and his wife Robyn came in town and brought Norah her Christmas gifts. So she was all about getting her new Lego kit together and making crystals.

On Valentine's Day...this came up on Facebook...cannot believe that is Norah two years ago! Again time is going too fast!

Norah and I saw "Kung Fu Panda 3" over the 3 day weekend and really liked it. Cute movie.

Norah and Jeff made me dinner on Valentine's...I literally did nothing. Norah did the table, Norah and Jeff both helped with dinner, and Jeff even cleaned up was so nice!

Norah made a menu of the items on the paper that was on the place mat when I sat was really sweet.

Finished reading "Fates and Furies" the other week. Before I read this, I knew that there were a lot of mixed reviews and I can see why. The writing style was not good for me. Very choppy but yet I wanted to keep reading and see what happened. So it is not a book that everyone will like but it had some good points. Not my favorite but was interesting at points...was just okay for me.

There is a lot of politics going on around here and I have been re-watching "The West Wing" so of course I need this mug to carry around. :)

"Cooked" just came out on Netflix and I'm excited to watch it and see what it is all about.

This is random...saw this and love the wallpaper on the one wall.I would love to do that for a bedroom wall!

Okay I am really only drinking like once a week or so and I drink either red wine (duh) or vodka these days. However, I can not drink the famous Apothic wine anymore. I literally couldn't even drink a glass of it last time it was offered. So anyway I've still been trying different ones...I tried this and it was really good. :)

Oh and an arm is gone. Bending is going well, straightening is still not there all the way, twisting isn't there all the way, and obviously not lifting heavy things...but so much better. I can now dry my hair and get dressed with ease...the little things!! :) Back to the doctor in a week for a check up on it and hopefully that will be it! Fingers crossed!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Sad news of losing a friend...

Yesterday I went on Facebook and saw a new post regarding the Class of 1996 class reunion (even though I graduated in '95 my true class is '96.) They had posted a spreadsheet with all the classmates and contact information asking if anyone could fill in the blanks. I opened it and looked straight for my old tennis partner who I actually had been looking for recently. I got to her name and it had printed "deceased" beside it. The tears were immediate. After asking around and trying to "google" all I could...I found out that Emily Bevis died November 23, 2005 at the age of 27 from what seems to be possibly a brain disease. I cannot tell you how saddened and heartbroken I am to hear this news.

When I was 20 I was in an interview for my internship and they asked me if I had any regrets so far in life. I quickly answered, "No, as all decisions I had made had gotten me where I was that day." As I have gotten older, I do have regrets and the regret I feel about my relationship with Emily is big. I cannot decide if I feel more regret that I did not know she died in 2005 so was not able to be a part of her goodbye or that I was not a good enough friend when we were younger. If I had been a better friend...we may have stayed in touch more. I hate that I did not keep in touch with her.

She and I played tennis for more hours than you can imagine. We practiced, played tournaments together as double partners, against each other in singles, played on a high school team together, and roomed at tennis camps in the summer together. I have been telling stories about her lately and it reminds me of such happy times. She was truly an amazing girl with a heart of gold. I do not think I ever heard an ill word out of her mouth except for maybe one time I heard her yell at her brother. :)

I wish I had a picture to share but I do not have any here. My yearbooks were damaged in some moves and honestly I do not think I have them anymore. Pictures were not taken with such ease in the early 1990s so if I have any...I'm not sure where they would be. But the moments we spent together are clear as day in my head and heart and I will never forget her. She was a very special person and I know she is in heaven right now playing tennis with someone...and winning. So today when I take Norah to tennis...I will stay to watch and remember all our good times we shared together.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Weekend, amazing book, and TV...

This past weekend by sweet friend Julie came in town with some of her friends and I got to go to dinner with them. Love some Julie!

Last week was not arm was still really swollen at the beginning and I couldn't really do anything. I couldn't even sub and basically I was at home and bored. So of course it was reading and TV time.

I have never read a book by Stephen King in my whole life ...but I finally did and I LOVED 11/22/63 (this is not his usual genre). It was awesome! I read it in just days...being that it is 800+ pages...that tells you something. His writing it awesome. Even though it sounds like a strange concept...time travel and trying to save JFK from has a lot of components in it ranging from romance, suspense, etc. I love all the details and research that went into this book too. Seriously I am a huge fan of this book and recommend it to everyone! Go read it now! I'm so sad that it is book I have read in awhile.

Then I found out that they made a TV mini-series for the book that will start on Hulu on February 15, 2016. The only thing is the two previews I saw for can tell that they have changed it a lot from the book so I'm not sure if I can watch it yet. I loved the book and afraid it won't live up to it!

I got these two books for my birthday and even though it is hard to read anything after finishing such a good book...I think I will try them out.

And TV...I needed something random to watch last week and started "New Girl" on Netflix. I find it pretty funny so that is happening.

Well tomorrow is my CT scan for my arm and we will go from there! I'm so over wearing a sling and not using my arm!! Aaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!