Sunday, June 27, 2010

Birthday Weekend: Part 1 Friday

Whew!! This has been an exhausting weekend but worth it for baby girl! Friday...after packing up at work...(I had to get more boxes for the office at 3:40 pm!! Ahhhh!) So I rushed home and Jeff picked up Norah on his way back from Greensboro. Time we got everything together, we headed to Hughes birthday party..."Toy Story" theme. Hughes is turning 3 too! We had a blast there and got home around 8:15ish...then once Norah was in bed...we started getting ready for Norah's party.

I made cupcakes, dips, etc. Jeff worked on getting the backyard ready. Needless to say, we went to bed really late!!! Here are some pics from Hughes Party!!

Here is the birthday boy with the cute blond curls!
Here is another table of cute kids!

Of is Norah!

Norah eating her cake pop!

The three girls at the party!! (Harper, Norah and Abby) How cute are they!!!!!

Here is a pic of all the kids!

There is my handsome hubby!!

The kids had the best time at the end of the party letting the balloons go into the sky...Norah just let one go and everyone (except Norah at the moment) is looking at it in the sky....up...up...up and away!
Next up...part 2 Saturday!

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