
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy....

Oops! This pic is supposed to be below under the paragraph about my new running shoes...but oops I put it in the wrong place(and yes I didn't move it as it would just take more time....) see below...but these are the shoes I run in...Saucony Pro Grid Omni 8. Okay...real start of post!

Wow! This week has been busy! So was crazy...but then my neighbor, her friend and I went to see Eclipse!! Yeah! It was good! Obviously the book is better but I still loved the movie and Edward! My neighbor is "team Jacob" but her friend was "team Edward" with me! I so need a team Edward t-shirt to sport around (okay I would only wear it at home) I also ran Monday morning before work and it was I just have to get back in being consistent again!!

Let's see I had to get new running shoes...the ones I have will get me another month or two. Then when I get the new shoes...I think I will wear the old ones to walk or ride the bike in and use the new ones for running only? I went through website and clicked on and got the shoes super good deal!! I got the same shoes I have had for awhile....They were $58 plus no taxes and no shipping!! SCORE! I originally paid $110 for these shoes at a local running store. I totally think you should go to a running store to get fitted for running shoes when you start running but once you find a pair that can definitely find great deals on the internet. (pic above!)
Tuesday work was pretty busy again...I love work to be busy as it makes the day go by so fast! Then Wednesday I found out about school which has been an overwhelming amount of information and then had a planned girls night out with some friends. We went to Firebirds in Stonecrest and it was Happy Hour all night! So I got Sangria for $5 and it was really good...and strong! It was great seeing everyone but come today...I have been dragging a little. It is hard for me to do so much in a row...I went on Sat, Mon and then Wed...way too much for me in one week!
Some ladies at dinner...Cara, Shannon and Christie

Me and Melissa

Pic of tasty $5 Sangria

I think I have an idea of what my schedule might be for this fall. I think it will be pretty crazy! Once I have it solidified...I'll let ya know. I am wondering how I will be mom, wife, student, worker...and all the little, dogs and half-marathon in October...I know there is no such thing as "balancing" being a working mom as it is...but hopefully I can power through! I am sure I can do will take a lot of planning ahead (which I like to do anyway...won't that make me a good teacher) and sticking to a budget. Any tips on how to survive this next year (if all goes well I'll be ready to student teach fall 2011)...bring it on!!
Speaking of budgets...I have found a couple blogs talking about meal planning and eating healthy on the I hope to really sit down and write a meal plan for the week and do a lot of prep work in the food department once a week...maybe Sunday? That way we can eat in every night but maybe one. I already eat all my breakfast and lunches at home except every once in awhile I get something out. I added two blogs to the that she posts a meal plan for the week and then everyone puts their meal plan for the week in the comments section...and another blog where this couple only spends $30 a week on groceries (doesn't count alcohol...they discuss that...MB...I knew you would want to know!) So hopefully that will have some helpful tips...but then again...when will I have time to read blogs! ;)

So the puppies had a vet appointment tonight and "husband of the year" took them for me! I just couldn't motivate to take them after work so I hung out with Norah and the neighbors in our back yard...the kids played in the "pool." Anyway...Darcy now weighs 19.8 pounds and Finn weighs 14.4 pounds. They are getting so big! Finn had his last shot today so he can finally get a haircut...I'm taking him next Tuesday so I'll post some dog pics then. They are really cute!
Hopefully the heat will end before too is so hot here! Oh yeah...Norah got her new big girl carseat...and she told my she doesn't like it because it is black and not flowered...that is my girl! She is so super cute!! Well this has been a long and random thoughts post so I'm off to get ready for bed! I'm ready for the weekend!

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