
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday and it is me and the dogs....

Well I can't believe I am by myself is strange that I have no one to cook for or give a bath to...I sure do miss J and N but it has been nice to have some "Me" time too. Yesterday I came home and ate a piece of Dakota bread from Great Harvest Bread Company (Yum!) and some cheese for dinner...why..because I can! Then about 6:45 I decide....I'm going to go for a run...and I did...3.5 miles. It was super humid...I drank my entire hand-held of gatorade/water mix. It is funny because in the fall/winter...anything less than 4 miles I wouldn't even take something to drink with me. But this weather...anything over 2 and ya gotta take some hydration with ya.

I also went to the grocery store to get some more canned dog food for Ranger,got some wine that was on sale at Teeter, watched "Julie and Julia"and some "Big Brother." Did laundry and then hit the bed. Speaking of "Julie and Julia" mom gave me her Julia Child cookbooks that she has had for awhile (since she was like in her 20s I think.) I really want to make a couple things out of it. Maybe I should make something for Jeff for when he gets back! ready..and had no one else to get I was actually early for work...which is a rarity these days. I tell you being a working mom is so different then when I worked and didn't have a child.

After work today...I got a pedicure...pure heaven! Came home and vacuumed...3 dogs, 3 yr old, two adults...ya gotta vacuum. Now I am just hanging out with my cute puppies! Dinner tonight...that would frozen yogurt with granola and strawberries...I know it is not the most nutritious meal but oh so yummy! So next maybe a glass of wine and just chill out. I feel like I should be a little more productive...but I have tomorrow night for that!

Truth is...I love just having time to myself...but I would do anything to be with Jeff and Norah at the beach! I love being with them...especially at the beach! I know they are having fun and I'll be super excited for them to come home. I hate that I am missing out on Hoppe week at the beach...I hope they take some pics for me so I can live through them!

Finn just got a was so hard to get a picture of him as the puppies never stay still!! And yes...his ears stick up half the is so funny. I think they will get floppier as he gets older.
Cute Finn!

Darcy is so cute too! I know he is ready to get his more shot and he can get one too...he is pretty hot with all that hair. I love these puppies!

And don't forget about Big "R"...this heat takes a lot out of him. He just likes to chill....

So literally like every wine was on sale at Teeter last night...I mean every wine! I picked up this blend...I have had it before and it is pretty good. It is called "RED" is usually $22 but it was only $10! They had some good deals...
Well onto enjoy my time...maybe watch a movie on STARZ and stalk some other blogs!

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