Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Miss Bloggin'...

So I have been extremely busy and haven't done a post in awhile. I hate not posting as when I look back..I won't remember what was going on. I also have been super slack taking pics! We went to the beach for Labor Day and I didn't take one picture...bad mommy! So hopefully I can get back on track with some bloggin' so I can have stuff to look back on one day! So here is some random stuff from lately:
  1. School-I really enjoy all the material from my classes...it is very interesting...but it is SUPER time consuming (I mean BIG TIME, SUPER, MEGA TIME CONSUMING.)
  2. Working while in grad school, married, and having young child..not on my top 10 things I ever want to do again! :)
  3. I dropped one class so I only have 3...I use the word "ONLY" loosely...
  4. I have been running by not as much as I would like...I did get my 6 mile run in last weekend and hope for 7 this weekend...
  5. I love that fall is coming! The cooler weather, football...bring it on!!
  6. Norah is going to be Belle for Halloween...she is so cute!
  7. Norah is no longer doing soccer... (trust me...everyone involved is happy about this one) :)
  8. I have a test tomorrow and was writing out some flash cards and since there is nothing on TV this week yet (no football tonight and still in re-runs)...I had Glee on...I had never watched Glee before but it is pretty good. I mean Jane Lynch made me laugh out loud!
  9. I have mommy guilt lately so I hope to get everything done this week so I can have some quality time with cute Norah this weekend.
  10. Pictures next post for sure!

Well back to studying and then off to bed...gotta get a run in tomorrow morning!

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