Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Today is Jeff's birthday! Happy Birthday to the greatest hubby/daddy ever! We love ya!

Here a a pic of Jeff and Norah Saturday on the train as we headed to Toy Story 3 on Ice...

We took out neighbor, William, with us to see TS3 and met up with some other friends too! It was packed on the train and was crowded when we got to the arena for the show so we didn't get to catch up with our friends as we had hoped. We did all sit together and it was great to see how the kids were memorized by the show. The show was really good and the music was geared to the adults in some sense. I have never seen the movie TS3 so was not familiar with that...but my favorite things in the Ice show was the Green Army Men and the Ken and Barbie stuff! I tried to take pics of the actual show but they didn't turn out well at all!
Norah and William on the train! Norah is getting to where she likes to make faces. And check out her jewels! My mom got her some play jewelry and she loves to wear it..she wore it to bed the other night!

Norah and William after the show waiting on the train headed back...we got them these suckers...they were huge...needless to say, Norah's "accidentally" landed in the garbage can once we got home...:)
After nap time onSaturday...we just chilled...watched football, Jeff watered the grass...just took it easy.
Sunday...Jeff went to the Panthers game and I took Norah to Bo's 2nd birthday party at My Gym! Norah was reserved at first but then found the balls! She loved it!
She would just jump in and then get out and jump in again! It was so cute!

Norah is sitting beside the birthday boy, Bo! Bo and Jeff have the same birthday!

And of course Norah's favorite part to all birthday parties...the cupcake time! And cute Miss Harper is right beside her!
Sunday was football and school work for me. Monday was Columbus day and Norah's school was closed and so was mine! So we hung out together. I finished some school work up too!
So today I went running....only 2 miles but it was great! I did still have the coughing at the end but it wasn't bad. I am definitely still planning on the half marathon in just 12 days but have come to the terms that I will probably have to run/walk it. Taking basically 3 weeks off of running is not the best plan but when sickness happens...what ya gonna do?! Recently two blogs that I read..Brie and Danielle both just finished races, Brie ran the Chicago marathon and Danielle did the Wine & Dine half marathon...both ended up walking/running it so that is always a good boost to see! No matter what...I want to have fun doing it! So I hope to have a plan for these next 12 days so I can be semi-ready for it. I'll keep ya posted!
Well I'm off to get ready to go to work and take Norah to school..if you see or talk to Jeff today...tell him Happy Birthday!!!!

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