Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Norah is still sick...

Well Norah is still sick. She has had a fever since Sunday...nonstop. Last night it was up to 103.8 and the motrin seems to only help some. Jeff took her to the doctor today and the doctor believes she just has a virus so rest and try to get her to eat a little (she hasn't really been eating and threw up yesterday.) Also we will keep her on the motrin too. If she does not feel better in a couple of days to bring her back so they can do a chest x-ray (not sure how this relates??!) I do feel so sorry for her...she isn't sleeping well at night (neither am I!!) so she is exhausted and feeling bad!

The reason Jeff took her to the doctor today instead of me was because it was my last day of work. It is strange to be leaving a job without going to another one...but since I am taking 5 classes next semester, I did not think I could really handle working too with all the learning I need to be doing! My boss, his wife, and co-workers got me lunch and a gift card to my favorite restaurant, Upstream...isn't that so nice! They have been a great bunch to work with!

Now if I can get through these last couple weeks of school. I will finish this semester on Dec. 13. I actually have a HUGE test tomorrow and now with Norah at home...I am a little concerned how to get all the studying in that I need to do tomorrow. I have already set up my "station", got the coffee ready and plan on getting up super early to start on it before Norah gets up.

Well on that note...I am off to bed! Here is a pic of Norah and the puppies on Sunday...they were all exhausted from the beach and this is Norah before the fevers started to set in... (ignore her completely random outfit...it is her "lounge" wear!) Also doesn't Darcy look like a person!?

Pray that Norah feels better tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Tyly said...

Hope she feels better very soon!!