
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sickness...lots of sickness...

Before the details of the sickness that poor Norah has...I'll back up to late last week...

Thursday I ironed for hours on end to get everything ready for the consignment sale I was participating in this weekend. I ironed all of the clothes, hung them up and then tagged them. It took forever. I tutored my student and then hit up Starbucks as I was in desperate need for caffeine and surprise! they were giving away free mini desserts! I got the tiramisu cake pop and it was super yummy! Loved it!
Later I went over to my friend's Christie's house for wine night but instead of drinking wine...I had coffee...why you ask...because I knew I had to run on Friday. It was fun to have a girls night out. Here is a cute pic of Norah last week (before sickness) in the bubble bath. She is so cute!
Here are some pics of the puppies last week too...Finn with the scary eyes! :)

And Darcy...I swear he looks like a person! And yes...they are in desperate need of haircuts!

Friday I did my run on the treadmill at the Y and watched Morning Glory. It was good...not great or anything. The run which original was going to be 10 miles, then I said 8...ended up being 7.5. I am just a little burned out on the running front and HAVING to run certain miles. Will be taking a break after this weekend and just running what I feel like for awhile. Might even sign up for a 5K or something!
So our awesome neighbors and their kids come over Friday night and we have pizza night and hang out. I love neighbor night! Then Saturday morning comes and Jeff goes out of town just for the day. Norah and I get ready and hit up Costco and get home by 11:30ish. Well noon comes and Norah tells me that she thinks she is going to be sick....and next thing I know...she throws up pretty much every hour or so for the next 16 hours!!! Poor thing!! We also were originally headed to a birthday party for a boy in her class but obviously she wasn't able to go...she kept asking all day if she could between getting sick. :)
There was a lot of laundry going on and sleepless night for everyone. Here are some pics of her yesterday...she pretty much stayed on the couch all day...and the different blankets, pillows, animals changed throughout the day as I usually had to wash them at some point...(I think it was the first time ever that I was glad that we have these super ugly couches as the were easy to clean up!)

Today Norah has stopped throwing up (yeah!) but now has a fever. She is on motrin and had some good moments today but overall feels bad. She wanted to go outside so we let her sit on the porch for awhile. (you can see that her cheeks are red/rosy from having a fever)

Norah hasn't been sick since she had her tonsils/adenoids this is the longest she has been well in over a year! It is hard when she is sick because we feel so bad for her...but hopefully tomorrow she will feel better. Unfortunately I have not done anything that I really needed to do this weekend (school work, house work, workouts, errands, etc.) so I feel a little on the stressed side. Oh well...gotta make sure she is okay. Well I am off to get us some dinner together. I am hoping Norah will eat some toast or something but she hasn't been hungry.


  1. UGH! Puking is the WORST. I hope she feeling better and that fever is all gone. You are a champion for dealing with 16 hours of throw up!!

  2. Oh no! I can't imagine 16 hours! So glad she is feeling better.

    And on another note I am so jealous of your tiramisu cake pops!
