
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Three Thing Thursday...

1. Norah: I have to brag a little...Norah had her swim lesson today and they told me that she is moving up to level 2...she is the only one in her class moving up! I am so proud of her...she is like a fish! :)

1. Running: Went for my first "real run" in a month and half and it was glorious (you have to say it like Will Ferrell does in "Old School")...wore the garmin and everything so ready to get back to it! It was nice taking a break from it some.

3. TV and Movies: Does anyone watch "Rules of Engagement"...if so then you would know that my Jeff is just like the "Jeff" on it...tonight's episode about why he was drinking a beer at 10 am...yep that is my hubby!

So want to go see this movie! I heard it is hilarious!

Gonna go see this when it comes out in July! I mean how hot is Daniel Craig in the previews!

Well we are watching the Mentalist 2 hour finale right I am off (actually I am multi-tasking and doing computer stuff, laundry, etc....ya know the usual!)!


  1. Go see Bridesmaids!!! it's SO good.

    Yay for running! Whenever I see "glorious" in print, I always say it like Will Ferrell in Old School. Too funny!

  2. Caroline,
    Congrats to Norah! I was a little fish as a kid and it turned into a college swimming scholarship. Keep up the great work! My friend Danielle says "glorious" just like Will Ferrell and it cracks me up every time. Hope you get to see bridesmaids I hear is awesome. Can't wait for your review :)

  3. I wish that I could see Bridesmaids with you! I think KP and I will go see it next weekend.
    BTW-- I got a GARMIN! It is cute- grey with a pink stripe. I havent' used it yet b/c T needs to figure out how to hook up two to the same computer w/out losing all his data (that would be the before I record mine in the same place. I wish you could be here tomorrow- Smyrna Wine StrolL!
