
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What Day is it???

Last week was a blur...seriously. Sunday came and my mom came up to help us wrap up some house stuff. She also gave Norah her birthday present...a new bike! Norah had outgrown her last one...and loves her new princess bike! We loved having Nini visit!

My mom also got Norah a cowboy hat and a crown...which Norah wears together. She played Monday and Tuesday outside with both on...I snapped a pic of her before she headed next door to play with the neighbors with her "hat" on! Too cute!

Well why all this house stuff going on...cause of this....

That is our house is officially on the market. Paperwork was signed, pictures were taken and sign is in the yard. It should be online tomorrow and I'll post the link on here so please spread the word...if anyone is looking for a 4 bedroom/2 bath house in a great location with awesome neighbors...this is the house for you! :)

On another I have to say that I have not given my all in one of my current classes. Some days it is house stuff or school stuff and I had to do the house stuff so the school stuff had to hit the back burner. Oh well....I had to prioritize. Well I am off to do some of that said school work now....wish me luck on the school work and on the house too!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck on selling the house! I hope you are as lucky as we were. We put the sign out on Friday, and had an offer by the next Friday! We're actually closing on a new house Friday! By the way, this has all happened since the end of May!!

