Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Dance and Doctors...

Yesterday Norah had her first day of dance camp. They said she had some rough spots and cried because she missed me...poor thing! But they she got in the swing of things. She told me that she liked the music the best and I think she loved carrying her own back-pack in with her lunch.

How freakin' cute is that dance outfit! :)

Yesterday we also went to the doctor for Norah's 4 year old appointment. Everything was great and she got some vaccinations (Boo!) So since Norah was born...she has been off the charts (over 100%) with both height and weight....but for the first time....she got on the chart! She was 49 pounds which is on the chart at the 95 percentile but she is still off the charts (around 110%) for height at 44.25 inches in height. Yes...she is going to be a tall one! :)

Norah brought a book which she "read" to me during our wait. I cannot believe she is 4 and I'm starting to not want her to grow up anymore! Well today brings dance again and the dogs finally getting haircuts!

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