Thursday, December 15, 2011

Christmas is all around me...

(Post Title)...Don't you love that song from "Love Actually"...I seriously looked up the it! On the movie front, I really want to see the new "Mission Impossible"...I loved all the other ones!

Definitely going to see the American version of "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"...loved the book, loved the Swedish version of the movie and let's face it....I love Daniel Craig!

I did see the Twilight movie...Breaking Dawn...Part 1....of course I liked it because I am "Team Edward" and love Twilight. :)

About a week ago, Norah had her Christmas parade at school...each class walks around the school and dresses in some sort of theme.

After the parade, they put on their Christmas program...Norah did so great this year! It was very cute!!

Norah was an Angel in the program and after that we headed back to her class for their Christmas party. My mom was able to come up and see it all this year and then she kept Norah for the rest of the day...they had a blast! Norah loved the whole day! (Hate that I didn't get a pic of Norah with my mom, me and/or Jeff!)

This past weekend, Jeff, Norah and I went to the Singing Christmas Tree for Kids and had a good time. It seemed shorter this year but was still fun!

Now...tomorrow is the last day the students will come to school so I got some goodie bags ready for them. My classes have a Recipe Project due tomorrow that deals with fractions so they are allowed to bring in their recipes and we will be having a "Fraction Feast!" It should be fun!

Also on a true meaning of Christmas note...I send out an e-mail to some friends asking for support for some kids in need at my school. I got a lot of support and the donations that I collected were given to our guidance counselor and she was able to purchase backpacks, food to fill the bags, and grocery store gift cards so that some kids in need would have food for the winter break. THANK YOU SO MUCH TO EVERYONE THAT DONATED! It really meant the world to me, the guidance counselor, the school and most importantly to the kids who will get to pick up their backpack tomorrow. Here is a pic I took with my cell phone of some of the bags after we had gotten some ready to go. Just know that there are over 4,700 homeless children enrolled in our school district in 2011...information from here...

Trust me...being with these kids everyday...really great is amazing how a little help goes a long way. You can always contact a local school in your area, ask to speak to the guidance counselor and see how you can help.

So of course it reminds me how lucky we are and I stole this picture of a blog and thought it was a nice reminder of all the things we sometimes take for granted.

So now that you are in deep thought...onto some Holiday fun. I saw these ornaments and thought they were really cute! If they go on sale after Christmas they would be cute to pick up for next year for Jeff's and Norah's stockings!

Jeff went to Appalachian State for college and it is the "team" I am on at school!

This would be perfect for Norah because they sing a "Happy Birthday, Jesus" song every year that is so cute! All these ornaments can be found here

Of course I thought I needed to post some random dog pics....

This is one of the ones that didn't make it for Christmas cards...I mean it is really hard to take a pic of a 4 year old and two dogs! How funny is Darcy in the pic...he cracks me up! I swear a human lives in him with his eyes... :)

Seriously...Norah put these antlers of Finn and it didn't even phase him...I had time to get my camera and take a picture...he didn't even flinch....ha!

Well it is time to get a few things done before tomorrow's big day...Fraction Feast, our team of teachers are ordering lunch and then we have Jeff's work's Christmas party...busy day and lots of eating going on! :)

1 comment:

Kim said...

Hi Caroline!

I am so glad I found your blog (Hooray for sixth grade teachers!)

Norah is such a cutie! And the Christmas program looks fabulous!

Have a wonderful Christmas...
Glad to find you in BlogLand!

Finding JOY in 6th Grade