Thursday, February 16, 2012

Three Things Thursday...

1. I love that it is Random Acts of Kindness Week...
I have written a few notes to some teachers and placed in their in-box for a positive "hello"! and I got breakfast for the teachers on my team this morning. It is nice doing something for someone just because...just think if everyone did something this week!
2. I keep hearing some things about the TV show Downtown Abbey and now I want to watch it currently on tv? Is this something I will have to buy/rent on itunes?
3. I am loving the "Wish List" you can create on created one in December and now when I see or hear of a book I want...I just add it to my wish list so I don't forget abou it. Clever.
3.1 (Ya know I couldn't stop at just 3 things...) I am so ready for this has been a busy week!
3.2 A big congrats to our fabulous neighbors...they are expecting their 3rd baby this summer! We are very happy for ya'll!! (And Sarah...if you are reading this...Norah thinks you are having a girl and should name her Sally) Ha! :)

1 comment:

Mer said...

Same question about Downton Abbey. People are obsessed. U can get it on Amazon.