Thursday, November 15, 2012

So ready for Friday...

I am so ready for tomorrow...I just need that break...ya know?! Anyway, last night I realized that the new "Twilight" movie comes out tomorrow...hello...I thought it was next week. I may have to venture to it by myself unless I can find another person here who is willing to partake in my "young" ways (You know I'm like that old mom who wants to wear her "Team Edward" shirt!) My neighbor in Charlotte (Hey Meredith!) and I saw the last two "Twilight" movies that came out together so I wish she was here to see this one too!
And now I finished reading "Skeletons at the Feast" which was a good book. It deals with the end of the war and what that meant for different groups of people...obviously there is more to it but that is a broad overview of it in a nutshell. It is always a reminder of how much people suffered. Then I read "Life of Pi" which I thought was great! I cannot wait to see the movie now. This comes out next week and who can I lure to go see that one with me? :)
So then I saw the preview for the movie "Anna Karenina"...but again it is a movie done from a book so I feel I should read the book first. Maybe this will be my next book to read?
And of course I still haven't seen the Bond movie...all these movies but no time! Hopefully in the next week I will get to see at least one of these movies!

I got a new Lands End catalogue in the mail and how cute are these Needlepoint Covers for ipads/Kindles/Nooks, etc.

This week has been really busy but one thing that totally brightened my week is some of my students from last year all texted me this week and it was good to hear from them. I sure miss all the kids and teachers from Quail Hollow Middle...such a great bunch! I do love knowing that my old students are having a great time as 7th graders this year! :)

I would love to leave you with a picture of cute Norah but I have been slack in the picture taking department so I gotta work on that this weekend. I also started thinking about that it is almost time to start on making our Christmas card...whew...always something! Well I'm off to do one more load of laundry and get everything in order for the morning. Just gotta get through tomorrow....

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