
Saturday, December 15, 2012

Recovery Time....

Well my surgery went well and I did struggle a little waking up after it was over but got home around 5 pm yesterday. He did end up fixing some "pocket" on my intestine (this information was relayed to Jeff from the doctor) so not exactly sure what this means. I automatically feel so much better as the pain I was having all week is gone. Now I'm just sore and tired. Taking medicine and just resting now. As you can imagine the getting up and down is still tricky and my shoulder hurts from the gas they use to "pump" you up! But it is so nice to have my family here with me!
And a big thank you to my mom and Jeff for taking care of me and Norah! To everyone that has called, texted or messaged me...thank you so means the world to me! Also a big thank you to Jan for bringing over a huge bag of activities for Norah as it has completely entertained her! Thanks for all the offers of help, dinner and Poinsettia (Thanks Glenn!)...I so appreciate everything! :) Hopefully I will be back in the swing of things soon. And I cannot believe Christmas is in 10 exciting!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dear!
    I am so glad your surgery went well and I am sending you wishes for quick healing.

    I don't know if you have heard the plans for tomorrow's Day of Silence for Sandy Hook Elementary School...
    Go to Farley's blog for the button and the details:


    Finding JOY in 6th Grade
