
Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy Friday!

Yeah! Today is the start of a three day weekend and I could not be more excited about it! Wednesday night we had our family night and since it was super gorgeous outside...we took the dogs and headed to the beach. It was beyond glorious! This was the conversation between Jeff and I right when we arrived on the sand:
Jeff: "Do you smell that?"
Me: "Smells like happiness."
Seriously...the beach is the most magnificent place...clears your head and makes everything seem alright with the world! Of course I took some pics and get ready for pic overload!

Aaaahhhh...doesn't it make you relax just looking at the beach?!

Okay so birthday countdown is 7 days and I'm getting pretty excited! My mom and Denny should be here that weekend so Norah gets to spend the night with them...Jeff and I get a date night! I cannot wait! I told Jeff that all I want for my birthday is to not have to cook or clean anything the entire weekend so I think he can handle that!!

I have been on a kick about getting the house more together by hanging our pictures (yes, it only took 6 months!), finishing painting (we may finish by summer!), and ya know odds and ends. I did see this fake turtle shell at Target and I so want it!! I think it would be awesome to hang in our dining room or somewhere! I promise it looks cool in person and you could always paint it a color too!

Well I'm off to enjoy my time alone as Jeff has Norah at family swim time at the gym. Oh yeah, everyone that has been asking me about the fish in Pawleys Island...yes...Jeff went out there and said you could smell it the moment you got close. The beach we went to on Family Night is North Litchfield Beach so no dead fish!

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if vicarious relaxation is possible, but I sure feel a lot calmer after looking at those beach pictures!
    I hope you have a wonderful three day weekend...

    Finding JOY in 6th Grade
