
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Whew....what a week!

This week was busy in a lot of ways plus Jeff was out of honestly I can barely remember what all happened! I know there was work, school, Church time, reading, watching of "Downton Abbey" season finale, a good friend got engaged (Congrats Anna!), meetings, running errands, cleaning and the list goes on. So let's just skip to the things I can remember!

"Downton Abbey"...I cannot believe it is over for the year...I'm so sad. I knew something would happen to Matthew as I had heard he had not signed his contract for the next season but why something so tragic?! Boo! Now there isn't much TV left for me to watch except "Big Bang" until football reappears in the Fall...
This weekend a friend of mine (Hey Julie!) had planned to come down with some friend for a girls weekend and I was so looking forward to seeing her and getting to do something...poor thing got sick and their trip canceled...another Boo! Come back Julie! :)

Friday was "dress like a book character" at school and I asked Norah what she wanted to dress as...maybe Pinkalicious, etc. She said "I want to me Hermione" Hermione she was! And cute too!

So Friday night we did a last minute neighbor night for the kiddos and pizza and oysters were eaten. Always a great time! Saturday came and Norah was asked for a play date. She went over there and she said they had a great time! They ended up going to "Harry the Potter" (I awesome!) and painted pottery. Cannot wait to see what she did as it has to be fired...she is keeping it a secret! Thanks Austin and Mrs. Marsha for having Norah over! She was so worn out from the play date (a good sign I think!) that she fell asleep in the car on the way home. When we got home...we put her on the couch and the dogs joined her for a nap. Now that is precious!
Well today brings Church and getting ready for the new week. Hard to believe this week is the end of February. Time is flying!

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