
Saturday, April 20, 2013

The rest of the week...

I watched CNN all last night and it was surreal. I am glad they captured one of the Boston Bombers and I wonder if the "why" will really ever be answered. 
Since last posted...the week has been busy (as usual). Got a job offer from a school I visited last summer...staying at my current school so did not accept it but it was so nice of them to remember me! Norah went to art class on Wednesday and painted a turtle. She really enjoys going to the class and we love our collection of original art so far! 

After her class we picked up some food and headed to the beach...we had dinner with Wil, Amanda, Lilly and Willow. It was at the most amazing house...I could live on the porch! It was so nice to catch up! Thanks for having us over!

Then Thursday Norah had her Spring Program at school ("Squirm!") and it was Grandparent Day. Since none of Norah's grandparents were in town...Aunt Susan filled it!! Norah loved her Aunt Susan coming! The program was really cute and the kids had fun! Then Norah got even more spoiled as Aunt Susan and Uncle Bill took her out from school and to lunch at "The Blue Crab"...she loves that place. She then got to go to their "new home" for awhile to hang out. She was so worn out that she fell asleep in the car after I picked her up from Aunt Susan's place and slept for an 1 1/2 hours in the afternoon! Thanks again Aunt Susan!

Next up...Thursday night was an impromptu Girls Night Out...and Sally, Glenn and I headed out for a drink at "Frank's Outback". It was a great time! I love sitting outside right now...the weather is awesome!

Friday was a busy day at school and once we got home....we all crashed! We watched a lot of CNN and just tried to regroup! I should add that all week...Jeff was super busy with work too! I guess when it rains it pours! Now we are getting geared up for the day...and feel a little more rested.

So now to leave you with something completely off topic...I was randomly surfing the web and saw something on the "Catching Fire" movie (watched the movie preview...cannot wait till November!) and saw this line that was under a picture of Katniss and Gale seriously made me chuckle out loud! I love humor like this. Read this... "A kiss between Katniss and Gale, who is kind of like Peeta — if Peeta were a wild centaur hunter from the forest with great abs. But I ask you: Can Gale bake bread? No he can not. Although he can probably kill a sabre-toothed tiger with his bare hands." (Source) I am team Peeta!

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