
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day 2013

Jeff is the best daddy ever! I looked back at the blog (I love that it is my scrapbook of family pics!) and check out these cute pics of Jeff and Norah that I posted on Father's Day 3 years ago. It is amazing how much she has grown! Yesterday we headed out with other families to the Point at access it by taking a boat from South Pawleys over to it. Everyone had a blast! We spent about 6 or so hours out there with chairs, food and drink! Glenn rented a paddle board and it was a huge hit. Here are some pics of Jeff and Norah on it!

How lucky are we that we get to spend our Saturday with great friends at a place like Pawleys Island! It is pretty amazing and I hope we do not ever take it for granted. Well today we are going to try to spoil Jeff and gear up for another week.

1 comment:

  1. Caroline...Thomas Rhea and his family are moving back...they are looking at a house in will really like Melissa...and their son is adorable...
