
Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Book and stuff....

A friend of mine, Meredyth, had told me about the book "Me Before You" by Jojo Moyes, so I started reading it randomly this week and could not put it down! The moment I walked in the door yesterday from school, I sat down and finished it. It was incredible! It was different then I expected going in but it was an amazing story. Go out now and read it! So good!

Now I cannot decide if I should read "The Husband's Secret" or start reading our book club book next which is "Defending Jacob."

When I was on one of my Target trips...this caught my eye. I really need a new crock pot (see I'm moving onto the random part) and thought this one was so cute!

Something I do not need but is always fun to think about it is a new car. I of course have mentioned before how I think it would be cool to have a Hybrid car but saw the new Infiniti today QX60 and it was sweet looking! So if I win the lottery next week, I think this is what I would pick for one of my cars! Ha! :)

Tonight starts college football and the Panthers have a Pre-Season game on tv...then this weekend football explodes and we are some excited peeps in the Hoppe House about it! And of course add to all this that it is a three day weekend...perfection!

I have signed Norah up for some great activities starting next, tennis and a program at school...she is excited and I am too! I will say that she has had so much fun coming to my classroom each day after school as the teacher across from me has a 4 year old that comes over too. Norah and her daughter play so well together and totally entertain each other while we are able to get some work done. When Norah started kindergarten she was so tired everyday after school getting used to the school day but with 1st grade...she is wide open and ready to play after school!

Another thing is Norah has gotten really into modeling clay. We are on our second bucket of clay. Norah loves to make all kinds of things out of it and then let's it dry. She sometimes paints it depending but it is a great entertainment for her. She learned all about it when she went to art camp with Mrs. Hays this summer.She now wants one of the pottery wheels for Christmas! Well I am off to enjoy the night!


  1. Yes, we all have our fair share in dreaming about a new car once in a while. It's a nice pick! The Infiniti QX60 is a great family car. You wouldn't regret spending the lottery prize money for it. :D Ashely@Infiniti of Ann Arbor

  2. It is fun to think about getting a new car, but absolutely dreadful when your bank account doesn't agree. I'd like a hybrid myself, but my 2-year old Rav4 still has a while to go before I really need a new one. -Prince @ Lexus of Ann Arbor
