
Friday, December 20, 2013

10ish some extra book stuff thrown in...

So I was tagged in Facebook to name my top 10 books...this one is hard because at different times...I love different books! But here is a list of 10 books in no particular order that I would recommend to anyone...
* Well you know the Harry Potter series is one of my favorites! I would have never read them if I had not started teaching middle school. Once the kids finally talked me into it...I was hooked by book 4. I love everything about the Harry Potter world!

* "Me Before You" was my favorite book I read this year! Bawled my eyes out but so loved it! Highly recommend to anyone.

* "Cutting for Stone"...I think about it all the time and how I did not want it to end. This is what I would consider a perfect book for me.

* "Unbroken"...I'm not a big nonfiction reader but loved this one. I think it says so much about the human spirit that he survived all he did...amazing.

* "American Wife"...very interesting. I wonder if it really mirrors Laura Bush? Makes you realize that you never really know what goes on in each person's life that shapes the person they become...

* "Pride and Prejudice"...I love the characters in this book and how it still applies to today. Brilliant!

* "The Boxcar Children"...was one of my all time favorite books when I was a child (I think I might have actually "forgotten" to return it to the library so I could re-read it...oops!) Cannot wait for Norah to read it one day soon!

* "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" series...this had it all...I remember reading the first book and having to wait for the next one to come out...torture! (And yes...I love the Swedish movies and the one American version they have done so far!)

*The next is Ken Follett books...I loved "Pillars of the Earth" and "Fall of the Giants"...there is something about a huge book with all these little plots that connect. Plus I love the research that goes into it.

*Dan Brown books...I know some either love or hate but I think the mystery part is so clever and smart. I love reading it and trying to decipher what is going to happen.

**And I have to throw in the Twilight series...another young adult series that I love! It was so fun to talk to my students about it and tell them that I am totally team Edward!**

So what am I reading now....

What is on my Christmas wish list? (And these are just a few!) :)

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