Saturday, February 15, 2014


Norah and I are going back to Buddy Camp this summer. I asked Norah if she was ready to go to camp by herself this year and she told me she was not ready this year but wanted to go back to buddy camp. So we are booked and ready for June! We both are excited about it.

We got the Charlotte Observer today...yes, they actually sell the paper in Litchfield so we pick it up on the weekends sometimes. And I saw this...

So Norah and I went on Pinterest and looked up Fairy Gardens and decided we are going to make our very own in the back yard...this should be fun! We started on it today but have more work to do on it tomorrow...picture to come...

I also found this recipe which I am totally trying out...Korean Flank Steak Tacos with Asian Pear Slaw

Look at these sweet is so great they all live in the same neighborhood! (Please ignore the pumpkin (aka curling stone) that made the picture...)

My Mom and Denny finally got their power back on (YEAH!!) and the Earthquake that happened in SC last night was pretty close to them...I mean this stuff is crazy!

I took some random online quiz today by Southern Living about who is your Southern Starlet Twin...guess who I got...hmmmmm....I'm thinking it is fairly accurate...
You're Scarlett in Gone With the Wind!

You’re headstrong, driven, and always the optimist. To quote the vivacious, often maddening but always endearing Vivien Leigh icon, "I'll think of some way to get him back. After all, tomorrow is another day."

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