
Monday, June 9, 2014


Sick Child. I hate when Norah does not feel well. This past Thursday she came home from school and she was a little "off." She had a low grade fever but was still wanting to play with her friend, Ellie who had come home with us. I went to work and then met some ladies out for a drink (loved chatting with y'all!) Jeff texted me that Norah wasn't feeling well so I left to head home. Within 15 minutes of being home...Norah projectile vomited everywhere (I know, gross.) Those of you with kids know that there is nothing you can do and you feel so bad for your child because they are so miserable. Then in this time frame the worst storm hit with lighting/thunder/rain...dogs were getting freaked out...we were trying to get Norah settled and clean up the mess. It was crazy! Needless to say, it was a long night. In the early morning...Norah was just lethargic and laying on me (poor thing!)...I may look a little tired... ;)

so we watched a zillion episodes of "Jesse" while she slowly felt better. Late afternoon her fever broke and she was on the mend. Such a sweet girl and trooper! She was so disappointed that she didn't get to go to her last day of school but we are so happy that she is feeling better now!

Jeff and I have taken advantage of the HBO stuff on Amazon Prime and started watching "The Pacific" through Roku. We loved "Band of Brothers" and had watched it when it came out originally so we have enjoyed watching this miniseries and only have a couple more episodes to watch.

It now makes me want to read two of the books that the miniseries was based on: "Helmet for My Pillow" and "With the Old Breed." Gonna add those to my ever growing "wish list" on Amazon...

I did take Norah to the beach for a little bit on Saturday and Sunday afternoons as I always think the beach makes you feel better! She is such a water girl and loves riding the waves in...gotta get this girl some surf lessons!

Today is the official start of Norah's summer break and I am excited to be with her this summer!

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