
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thursday and it is me and the dogs....

Well I can't believe I am by myself is strange that I have no one to cook for or give a bath to...I sure do miss J and N but it has been nice to have some "Me" time too. Yesterday I came home and ate a piece of Dakota bread from Great Harvest Bread Company (Yum!) and some cheese for dinner...why..because I can! Then about 6:45 I decide....I'm going to go for a run...and I did...3.5 miles. It was super humid...I drank my entire hand-held of gatorade/water mix. It is funny because in the fall/winter...anything less than 4 miles I wouldn't even take something to drink with me. But this weather...anything over 2 and ya gotta take some hydration with ya.

I also went to the grocery store to get some more canned dog food for Ranger,got some wine that was on sale at Teeter, watched "Julie and Julia"and some "Big Brother." Did laundry and then hit the bed. Speaking of "Julie and Julia" mom gave me her Julia Child cookbooks that she has had for awhile (since she was like in her 20s I think.) I really want to make a couple things out of it. Maybe I should make something for Jeff for when he gets back! ready..and had no one else to get I was actually early for work...which is a rarity these days. I tell you being a working mom is so different then when I worked and didn't have a child.

After work today...I got a pedicure...pure heaven! Came home and vacuumed...3 dogs, 3 yr old, two adults...ya gotta vacuum. Now I am just hanging out with my cute puppies! Dinner tonight...that would frozen yogurt with granola and strawberries...I know it is not the most nutritious meal but oh so yummy! So next maybe a glass of wine and just chill out. I feel like I should be a little more productive...but I have tomorrow night for that!

Truth is...I love just having time to myself...but I would do anything to be with Jeff and Norah at the beach! I love being with them...especially at the beach! I know they are having fun and I'll be super excited for them to come home. I hate that I am missing out on Hoppe week at the beach...I hope they take some pics for me so I can live through them!

Finn just got a was so hard to get a picture of him as the puppies never stay still!! And yes...his ears stick up half the is so funny. I think they will get floppier as he gets older.
Cute Finn!

Darcy is so cute too! I know he is ready to get his more shot and he can get one too...he is pretty hot with all that hair. I love these puppies!

And don't forget about Big "R"...this heat takes a lot out of him. He just likes to chill....

So literally like every wine was on sale at Teeter last night...I mean every wine! I picked up this blend...I have had it before and it is pretty good. It is called "RED" is usually $22 but it was only $10! They had some good deals...
Well onto enjoy my time...maybe watch a movie on STARZ and stalk some other blogs!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Go Knights!

So my mom looked everywhere and couldn't find my immunization records. So I was going to have my current doctor to just sign off on it...but you have to have the DAY, MONTH and YEAR you got the Plan B. I called my high school just to see and they said to call the school district. I called the school district...she asked when I graduated...I said 1995...she said "oh that is on Microfiche so let me check." Really that will make you feel old! After a few! They have them!! So now I just have to write a letter to the school district requesting them. So go Knights (that was my mascot for High School...West Florence High School!) more thing off my list!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A little Stressed...

Wow! Talk about a lot happening...well the fun stuff first. This weekend was great! I actually ordered STARZ on Friday...when I called they said everyone had been calling that day to see the movie "Pillars of the Earth." I found a $25 rebate and we have to keep STARZ for two months...then I'll cancel so it technically only costs us $5!! Then I proceeded to stay up way late Friday night to actually watch the first part....I think it is going to be pretty good!

Saturday I took Norah to the Y pool and of course she had a blast! She is such the water baby! Then we came home and baby girl took her nap. When she got up...she saw that Daddy J had put up her glider swing that Nini (aka my mom) and Denny gave her for her birthday..she loves it!!

Sunday we hung out...filled up the baby pool and the neighbors came over to play. Basically the whole weekend was laid back and great!! We of course did house stuff as usual...Jeff in the yard and me inside, stuff never ends!

The other fun tidbit I found out is they are making an American version of "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" movie and Daniel Craig is playing the main male character...He is pretty foxy! Can't wait to see who they cast as the main female character...that should be interesting.

Well here comes the stressful stuff...those of you that know me..know that I like a schedule...I'm BIG on to not have my class schedule done with a start date of August 23 is stressing me out. I tried late last week to get it done but couldn't...finally is done...or so I hope! I definitely don't remember it being this difficult in the past...I mean I had to get permits for classes and fax forms, etc. Now I found out that I need another math class! So should I stick with 12 hours this semester and take 12 hours in the spring? Or should I try for 15 hours this fall and then only have 9 next semester? Oh yeah, don't forget that I'll somehow still be working!!! Then I need my immunization records and of course I called Clemson but since I graduated college over 10 years ago...they have destroyed them! Nice... So my mom is hoping she still has a copy! Keep your fingers crossed!
Also two of the classes I have to take are Monday/Wednesday at 8 am and one at 5 convenient?? But that was the only time it was offered. I think I might ride the train/light rail downtown to save on parking costs.
Now I gotta find time to get books (which are super high!) and get a student ID picture taken and figure out my work schedule. And who knows what else they will spring on me before August 23!
My sweet Norah and hubby are headed to the beach without me tomorrow...I am going to miss them so much...especially baby girl. I've never been away from her for this long and I already know that I will miss her tons!!! I so wish I could go but with school and work stuff right now...I just can't get away from work this week. But hopefully this will be my last summer of full time work!!! :)
P.S. My neighbor and I went walking this morning and it is amazing how much better I feel during the entire day once I get my exercise out of the way in the morning! I love going in the morning...Gotta get back on track...

Friday, July 23, 2010

TV movie...tonight!...

So I just found out they made a movie of the book "Pillars of the Earth" which I read and really liked.

It will be on STARZ and starts is 8 part series and you can check it out here.

And total bonus is that Matthew MacFadyen is in it! He played Mr. Darcy in "Pride and Prejudice" and you know I love me some Mr. Darcy! (pic above is him in "P and P")

I think this will be super fab TV movie just like "The Thorn Birds" (which I own on DVD!). Problem is...I don't have STARZ!! Do you think I can get it today and then cancel it when the movie is done?? We'll see....

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Busy, Busy, Busy....

Oops! This pic is supposed to be below under the paragraph about my new running shoes...but oops I put it in the wrong place(and yes I didn't move it as it would just take more time....) see below...but these are the shoes I run in...Saucony Pro Grid Omni 8. Okay...real start of post!

Wow! This week has been busy! So was crazy...but then my neighbor, her friend and I went to see Eclipse!! Yeah! It was good! Obviously the book is better but I still loved the movie and Edward! My neighbor is "team Jacob" but her friend was "team Edward" with me! I so need a team Edward t-shirt to sport around (okay I would only wear it at home) I also ran Monday morning before work and it was I just have to get back in being consistent again!!

Let's see I had to get new running shoes...the ones I have will get me another month or two. Then when I get the new shoes...I think I will wear the old ones to walk or ride the bike in and use the new ones for running only? I went through website and clicked on and got the shoes super good deal!! I got the same shoes I have had for awhile....They were $58 plus no taxes and no shipping!! SCORE! I originally paid $110 for these shoes at a local running store. I totally think you should go to a running store to get fitted for running shoes when you start running but once you find a pair that can definitely find great deals on the internet. (pic above!)
Tuesday work was pretty busy again...I love work to be busy as it makes the day go by so fast! Then Wednesday I found out about school which has been an overwhelming amount of information and then had a planned girls night out with some friends. We went to Firebirds in Stonecrest and it was Happy Hour all night! So I got Sangria for $5 and it was really good...and strong! It was great seeing everyone but come today...I have been dragging a little. It is hard for me to do so much in a row...I went on Sat, Mon and then Wed...way too much for me in one week!
Some ladies at dinner...Cara, Shannon and Christie

Me and Melissa

Pic of tasty $5 Sangria

I think I have an idea of what my schedule might be for this fall. I think it will be pretty crazy! Once I have it solidified...I'll let ya know. I am wondering how I will be mom, wife, student, worker...and all the little, dogs and half-marathon in October...I know there is no such thing as "balancing" being a working mom as it is...but hopefully I can power through! I am sure I can do will take a lot of planning ahead (which I like to do anyway...won't that make me a good teacher) and sticking to a budget. Any tips on how to survive this next year (if all goes well I'll be ready to student teach fall 2011)...bring it on!!
Speaking of budgets...I have found a couple blogs talking about meal planning and eating healthy on the I hope to really sit down and write a meal plan for the week and do a lot of prep work in the food department once a week...maybe Sunday? That way we can eat in every night but maybe one. I already eat all my breakfast and lunches at home except every once in awhile I get something out. I added two blogs to the that she posts a meal plan for the week and then everyone puts their meal plan for the week in the comments section...and another blog where this couple only spends $30 a week on groceries (doesn't count alcohol...they discuss that...MB...I knew you would want to know!) So hopefully that will have some helpful tips...but then again...when will I have time to read blogs! ;)

So the puppies had a vet appointment tonight and "husband of the year" took them for me! I just couldn't motivate to take them after work so I hung out with Norah and the neighbors in our back yard...the kids played in the "pool." Anyway...Darcy now weighs 19.8 pounds and Finn weighs 14.4 pounds. They are getting so big! Finn had his last shot today so he can finally get a haircut...I'm taking him next Tuesday so I'll post some dog pics then. They are really cute!
Hopefully the heat will end before too is so hot here! Oh yeah...Norah got her new big girl carseat...and she told my she doesn't like it because it is black and not flowered...that is my girl! She is so super cute!! Well this has been a long and random thoughts post so I'm off to get ready for bed! I'm ready for the weekend!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Big Announcement...

I am so excited to tell everyone the good news! I am going back to school to become a teacher!! I got in today to the University of North Carolina-Charlotte (UNCC) for the graduate program. I am going to get Middle Grades Math-Certification. Can you believe it? I am excited but nervous too! I am hoping to meet with my advisor soon so I can get my class schedule and go from there! :) YEAH!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

The Weekend in Review....

Friday I took Norah to school before heading to work...

Being silly before getting in the car....
Being silly in the car...riding to school. Came home Friday night and we cleaned up around the house and just chilled out. We are usually pretty tired on Friday nights after a full week of work.

Saturday, we went to Jeff's parents house to meet some family friends of theirs that were visiting from California. Norah entertained herself on the piano....

Saturday night we decided to switch up our plans a little and meet our friends Carrie and Toby at Good Food on Montford. I was so freakin' excited that on the way over...I took a self portrait! Here is the funny thing...this was taken while the car was moving and just one shot...pretty talented! :)

Here is Jeff and I at the restaurant

Here is Carrie and Toby. We had yummy food and I partook in lots of wine drinking! Needless to I was a little hungover! Haven't been hungover in forever but a big night out is worth it...every once in awhile (it does prove that as much fun as it is to go out every once in awhile...I really like just hanging out at home too or having people over)!! One of my favorite things to get at any restaurant is a cheese was really good there. I love cheese and wine obviously! We went to Braswell's after dinner and had a drink there...then before we knew was time to go home so the babysitter could head home.
Today we went to lunch at Mac's on South Blvd. Norah walked in and saw a big Panthers symbol and screamed "Go Panthers!" It was super funny! Jeff and I even talked how we can feel football season is just around the corner! We love the fall and football we are ready!
Then we went over to our across the street neighbor's pool in the afternoon so Norah could get some energy out. She had a blast!

My two favorite people!! I sure do love my Jeff and Norah!!

Well Jeff went to get a pizza from Hawthornes...Norah is watching "Cars" is so her favorite movie right now! I've got laundry going, dogs are chillin' in the den with us and just getting in gear to start another week. I think "Big Brother" comes on tonight so hopefully that will be semi-entertaining and I might go to the movies tomorrow night with some neighbors. Wednesday is Girls Night Out and then Thursday is a vet appt for the puppies!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Three Things Thursday

I saw someone else on another blog do a Three Things Thursday and figured since we are on a "three" kick...I would go with it!

1. I am super, super excited that I found a babysitter for this weekend!!! (Third time is the charm as the first two people I called couldn't do it) Jeff and I are having a date night with just the two of us! Dinner and a movie! Literally I can't remember the last time we went out just the two of us. And yes....I think we will go see Eclipse...but that Inception movie with Leo looks good too!

2. I love blogs...I mean I find new ones all the time I like to is crazy! I love food blogs, running blogs, life blogs, and the list goes on.

3. I went running last night for the first time in what almost 2 weeks and it was great! I'm getting excited about getting back into it full time...

3.1 (Sorry I couldn't keep it to 3...) I got a massage today!! It was a last minute thing as I got a $30 coupon via e-mail and today was the last day it could be was AMAZING! I love massages!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Norah is 3...

Today I took Norah to her 3 year doctor appointment. I can't believe I have taken her to the doctor there for 3 years!! I remember when she was a baby and laying her in the scale to be she just takes off her shoes and gets on the real scale! Well she is 40 1/2 inches tall and weighs 40 lbs 2 oz. Of course my girl is still off the charts! Everything was great with her and she had to get one vaccine.

Our doctor told us that she is going more part-time and will work 2 1/2 days during the week and basically job share with another doctor. Our doctor has 4 kids of her own! We talked about how hard it is to work full time when you have kid(s) was nice to share the same sentiment.
Well I also get to move Norah to a booster I ordered one on Amazon today. (Went to Target and they had one but not in got the same one of Amazon for cheaper and free shipping!) I'll get a pic of Norah in her new "car seat" once it comes in. Well gotta run!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happy Tuesday!

Random Thoughts:
  • I love red wine...5 degrees or 105 degrees...I love to drink red wine! (not a big fan of Pinot Noir or Malbec...)..I keep thinking it is vacation time and haven't kicked the "Happy Hour" yet...
  • I miss my baby girl during the day...this is especially hard in the summer!
  • I want to go on vacation was so much fun!
  • I watched the second episode of "Big Brother" (I missed the first one) and I think I'm going to like it! Trash TV...Yes!
  • I must see Eclipse soon...I think I have Jeff almost convinced to go with me!
  • I can't wait for my GNO (Girls Night Out) next week
  • I'm about ready to share my big news (it involves more school!) but not quite yet...
  • I saw Ellen and Will's baby, William, and he is so cute and sweet!
  • Well not much else tonight...I'll leave you with a hot pic of "Edward" (yes, I'm a dork!) I'm sorry...but he is hot! I also like young thing Zac Efron...and he has a new movie coming out too! Swoon!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Beach Week has come to an end....

Well we are back at home now (or at least Norah, puppies and me.) Jeff will be home tomorrow. I had to come back early though because I haven't seen Ellen's baby William and I must see him!! This way I can go see him tomorrow...I can't wait!

The beach week is over and it was so sad leaving but it is nice to come home to your own house. We had a great time and our days were pretty much the same...wake up, eat breakfast (one morning we eat breakfast out at Eggs Up Grill), hit the beach, come back and Norah would nap, then hit the beach in the afternoon, then dinner and bed! It was awesome! It only rained one morning on us which was nice as I think we all three needed a break and just chilled. We also went out to eat twice during the week...once to High Hammock which I had one of the best meals ever! It was so good! The service wasn't the best though. And then the other night we went to a Mexican place...cheese dip was involved so it was yummy! We cooked pretty awesome meals two nights using local food and they were so good!

I didn't exercise at all...I feel like a sloth! I did walk the dogs a couple of times but considering I wore my flip-flops while doing it...I don't think it counts! While Norah napped one day, I went and got a pedicure which was much needed. I even branched out on a new color...purple! :)

Jeff got a little fishing in...He probably wishes he got a little more done! However, we had the best time just spending time as a family! We even got to hang out with Jeff's brother and his family for the day on the beach too.

So let's see how I did on my goals for the week...
1. Spend lots of time with Norah...did this and it was great! It was so nice being with her all day again!
2. Hit the beach...we got that one covered!
3. Read books...didn't get to this one as much...finished the one book but haven't started the other one yet. Still at the time when I am too busy watching Norah on the beach to get to read too much.
4. Drink Wine..check. Usually I would start having my vino around 5 pm!
5. Just hang out and relax!...exactly what we did and we loved it!

I didn't get to see Eclipse so that is on my to-do list this week...we'll see if I can sneak it in one night this week. So other random mom bought me a wine carafe...I didn't look at it very closely at the beach when she showed me so when I got home...I checked it out and it is the same line as my crystal!! How funny...she didn't even know! Obviously she knows what I like!! Also for you Charlotte folks...I went to the grocery tonight to pick up a couple of things and they had the Black Box wine at Harris Teeter! It is $19.99 and they have all the "flavors"...that still works out to be $5 a bottle.

Well here are some pics of the week....some days I would forget to take any pics and other days I would remember but I think you get the idea. It is sad that there is only one pic of Norah and I together and none of Jeff and I together...we got get better about this somehow...

Norah had two pink float/tube things that she loved...she is a water baby for sure!

If she wasn't in the water...then we were making sand castles!!

She liked to pick up the seaweed...this obviously makes her Jeff's little girl! :)

Daddy surveying the castle...

Sorry...I had to take this shot...she would get a wedgie and we would call her the "Coppertone" baby...she is so precious!

Having fun with Daddy!

This is the night we went to eat Mexican!

We were laughing at Norah when she did this...we had just gotten down to the beach and it was like she was checking out the water deciding on what to do next...water...sand??? Too cute!

Norah in action!!

This was on the way home today...I think they were tired! (Don't worry I was stopped at a red light when I took the picture!) They had a good time at beach with us...even though they never actually saw the beach....

This is the wine carafe my mom got funny that it matches all my crystal!! (Vera Wang, Duchess for Wedgwood)....I'm a dork so I put out a couple of glasses to show how pretty that they all match! I can't wait to use it!
Also just want to tell my neighbor, Meredith, good luck tomorrow for her triathlon!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Beach Week Status Update

Well I can't believe it is already Thursday! Just one more full day at the beach before we head home on Saturday. It is sad to think about returning to the "real" world. It has been so much fun to be with Norah all this time! I was going to upload some photos but my mom's computer doesn't have the thing where I can just insert by video card so they will have to wait till we get home. I did finally get a chance to read and finish Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford and it was good (I think by the time I really got to get into it...I was not in the mood for it.) So now I am finally going to start the 3rd and final book for the Girl with Dragon Tattoo series!

I'll do a better recap of our week vacation at the beach when I get back to Charlotte with pics!

Friday, July 2, 2010

New Baby and Party at School!!!

Just a quick post. My friends Ellen and Will their first baby today! They had a baby boy this morning at 8:35 am! He weighed 7 lbs 3 oz and was 20 inches long! They still have not named him (If you know Ellen...this is not a surprise)!!! :) Mom and baby are doing well and I am so excited for them! I can't wait to meet the little guy!

Norah had her 4th of July party at school today. She is so cute! Gotta run as Jeff's parents ate dinner with us tonight so I'm off to pack everything. We leave early in the morning for the beach!! YEAH!
Norah and I at her class before the party! I didn't get to stay today for the party as I had to be at work at 8:30 but she had a great time!