Saturday, January 15, 2011

Running, Norah and Random Stuff....

1. Running....Today was the Charleston Half Marathon that I had hoped to do but due to sicknesses, holidays and Norah's surgery is didn't happen...maybe next year. However, I do have two races coming up...the half in Myrtle Beach in February and the half in Atlanta in March. I am getting really excited about both of them and know a couple of things I will do differently.

I know that I will definitely eat something closer to the actually start of the race. Usually I just eat breakfast but it could be like 2 hours before. Also I want to make sure I have the right fuel during the race too. After reading the book "Thrive"...I am debating about trying the dates during some runs to see how that goes. Some of the gels and stuff are not my favorite. Today I did 5 miles on the is the longest run I have ever done on the Dreadmill (I miss running outside this week!) for me but there is still too much ice outside to risk it. But what got me through was old episodes of "The Closer." "The Closer" is my new addiction!! Love it!

I ate breakfast at 8 am but didn't run until 11 am so ate a random Hammer Gel that I had and it was super nasty! The GUs are definitely better than that....
Jeff ran outside today but said he was dodging ice in some spots. Today was in the 40s temperature wise and tomorrow should be the starting Monday I should be able to run outside again! Yippee!
2. Since the Dreadmill is in Norah's playroom...she entertained me in her princess dress and angel wings today. She is the cutest!

And yes the Cinderella dress in on backwards! They learned yesterday in school about how to dress themselves so she put it on herself...she is getting to be such a big kid now! Also she is feeling really good and Jeff and I commented today that she has been talking so much more since her surgery! I think it was the best thing to do for her!
3. So I broke down and got the "Water for Elephants" book on ebay for $3 used. I wanted to read it before the movie came out where my hot Edward...oh I mean Robert Pattinson is in it. ;) I also wanted one where the book cover was the original before they change it to reflect the movie. So after I finish "The Help" will probable be next in line.
4. Well just watching some football...Jeff went to meet some friends to watch it...had my one glass of wine and now sipping on some hot green tea! I have one more assignment to do this weekend for my classes so I might try to get that done tonight. It will be nice to get back on schedule this week now that Norah will be to feeling good and in school and hopefully we will be ice free!


Will Run for Health said...

I'm sorry you didn't get to do the Charleston Half! You should sign up next year, it was a wonderful day! You can't beat shrimp and grits at the finish :)

I'll be doing Myrtle Beach too! Hope your training is going well!

WannabeRunner said...

Good luck on your upcoming halfs!! Can't wait to hear all about them! :)

Your daughter in her dress up clothes is so precious. :)

Mer said...

I dodged ice ourside, too. 5 miles. Get excited!!!

Anonymous said...

Bummer about the Charleston half. Things happen for a reason though. Your next two are going to be great! Good luck!