Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dreary Tuesday....

It is pretty cloudy outside and looks like it may be a rainy day here...which works out for me because I am working on one of my math classes and house stuff.

So let's see...Friday we had neighbor night at Kim's house and they have a baby who is about 2 months old. Norah got to hold him....

It was really cute and she loved it! We had tacos and just hung out...we love neighbor night! Saturday morning we got up and went to breakfast at Flying Biscuit...we really like to eat breakfast out as a family...it is a lot cheaper than going to dinner and it is a nice way to start a weekend morning! Norah was excited about the kids sheet that we all three colored why we waited for our food.

Next up...my mom came in town (yeah!) and helped us BIG time with some house stuff. Thank you Ma! She also got Norah a fairy dress for dress up...and let me tell you...Norah loves it! So much so that she didn't want to take it off! She even wore it outside to play in....too cute!

Jeff went out of town Saturday afternoon but got back around 9 pm on Saturday so we had "our time" on Sunday instead. We grilled out Sunday night and just hung out on our porch...we had a lot of fun! Monday came and it is back to the grind...we have a lot going on lately so as always...it is a whirlwind around here!

On a fun note...I am going to be doing a book club for the month of June and the book that was picked is "In the Garden of Beasts"

I am pretty excited about it! I am almost finished "Cutting for Stone" and it has been really good so far! Well I am off to do some Algebra....

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