Sunday, May 29, 2011

Productive but still fun weekend...

We have gotten a lot done this weekend and we still have one more day to enjoy! Friday was Norah's last day of school for the was bittersweet...but August will be here before we know it! I am excited about being with her this summer...I think we are going to have a lot of fun together! Saturday....Jeff and I did housework while Norah had play time next door...they set up a pool over there...
This is her Wonder Woman pose...

Daddy and Norah having some fun!

I also wrote a paper and then Saturday night I got to hang out with two of my neighbors...always a good time!

Today was more house stuff and then we had Jeff's parent come over for dinner. Today we also set up a pool in our yard and Norah and the neighbors took turns between our house and theirs...all these kids are too cute!

Had to take a pic of Norah eating an ice cream sandwich after dinner! She liked it!

Well I am excited about Jeff being home with us again tomorrow and the day will include house work, school work, and neighbor time! Can't wait! Then Tuesday I will be on a new schedule to be able to get everything done in a day and still have Norah with me...should be busy! :) Oh yeah...notice how all my pics are kinda blurry that would be because Darcy got a hold of my camera (it was in its case) and basically pretended like it was a toy. The case got chewed up and the string handle thing of the camera is gone...the camera still works but is slowly getting worse and worse. Hope it can hold on a little longer!

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