
Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday Five...

1. Norah had her second tennis lesson...she is liking it a lot!

2. Finished another book...I'm on a roll! "The Light Between Oceans" by M.L. Stedman. I really enjoyed it and it does make you think about what you would do in different situations that are presented in the book. Definitely one I would recommend.
3. A little downtime at the pool of my mom's neighbor.

4. Today was all about taking these two to lunch and then putt-putt. They also let us run a couple errands so it was a fun day.

5. And tonight's fun doesn't stop there...the movie "Descendants" comes on Disney and Norah is pumped up to see it (I'm excited too!)  Hope it lives up to the hype.

...and of course there is wine to be had. :)

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Birthday, book, and stuff...

It was my mom's birthday on Monday so we all got together for dinner! Hope this is your best year yet!
Finished "The Unimaginable" by Dina was different then I thought it was going to be for some reason when reading the description. I liked it and zipped right through it but wanted more detail about things/places/situations. It does make we want to travel even more though!

Here is something random...I saw this pic of a bedroom and...LOVE IT! However, I do not think Jeff would ever go for it ;) Then I checked out the designers other stuff and basically every room he has on his website is the perfect room I would want for his designs. Exactly the style I dream about...swoon! Seriously I would not change a thing in his rooms. So when I win the lottery I would hire him do every room of my house! Check them out HERE

Norah and I went to the beach today and it was amazing. The last two times we went it was super windy and rough but today was perfection. We are hoping tomorrow might be the same. :)

Monday, July 27, 2015

Weekend in review...

Friday we helped celebrate a friend's birthday! Car selfie of course!

Kids are having pure summer fun!

I finished the book "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie. It was my first Agatha Christie novel and I liked it okay but had to get used to the way it was written....very short statements in conversation between everyone. I am more used to reading a paragraph that describe a situation, etc. but this was really like a transcript of what the guests said. It was a quick read and interesting.

Saturday Norah and I went to the beach and it was so windy and rough! We did not make it long out there. Jeff did yard work and then the three of us went out to dinner. We realized it was the first Saturday all summer that we did not have plans...crazy! It was nice to have a "down" day and night.

Sunday Norah and I hit the beach with my mom and step-dad and it was still a bit rough but she was able to handle it. I started a new book and basically had my favorite kind of day...Norah, book, and beach!

I have been wearing my fitbit but started to realize that it did not seem accurate. So today I went on a walk this morning and here are my fitbit stats and below are the stats from "Map my Walk" app. My fitbit is definitely off. Is it just old?

"Map my Walk" app
Well I'm off to do errands and celebrate my mom's birthday today!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Friday Four...

1. The rain finally came yesterday! While I was at Pilates, Jeff took Norah to Litchfield Inn to swim and have dinner. He snapped some great pics of the rainbow they saw and my sweet girl!

2. On my walk this morning...I love having a neighborhood with tons of trees and a golf course view. It always feels like walking more in nature which is peaceful. I do miss the trail in Charlotte that I would go on but the other day I went with a friend on one here and we almost stepped on two snakes...yikes!
3. Movies....Norah and I hope to see "Ant-Man" but our days have been so busy...hopefully we will get to see it soon....maybe even today.

4. I just found out today that it is Harry Potter Weekend on ABC Family Channel starting at 3:30 pm. What?! I love it! I can't figure out why they never show "Goblet of Fire" though...anyway...that will be on our TV this weekend.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Thursday Things...

1. Wow! This summer has gotten so busy and the last few hot! Norah has been in pottery camp this week and of course, loves it. I cannot wait to see her final products.

2. Norah had her first tennis lesson (I had one too...not my first ;) and she said that it was so fun! I hope she loves tennis like me. I also hope after a couple of lessons she will be ready for the group setting and who knows...maybe I will get back into it too!

3. On the book front, I finished "An Object of Beauty" by Steve Martin (yep, that Steve Martin.) I read "Shopgirl" and really liked it so I thought I needed to try another one of his. His writing is very real with his characters being flawed but realistic. This one had a ton of art references and some pictures scattered throughout the book. It is a simple read and almost like a snapshot of someone's life but I do not think everyone would love this book so I would be hesitant to who I recommend it too. I liked it but I think his writing makes you think about things. I've been impressed with both of his books so far so may read another one....

4. Showtime is having a deal for 30 days free as a Roku channel which I snapped up and watched Season 4 of "Homeland" and it did not disappoint! I love that show! So interesting!

5. Well I can't believe I'm going to say it but I sure hope it rains soon! We need it!

Monday, July 20, 2015

Books Lately....

My last book posted was on June 26 but since then I have read 3 more books and they are all in spy fiction. One of which is my favorite book that I have read this year and I think now made it into my top 10 favorite books all together!!

So the fabulous book is "I am Pilgrim" and I recommend it to everyone no matter what your usual reads will love it. It is so good! It is smart, well written, interesting characters, and basically loved everything about it. I did not want it to end and cannot wait for the author's next book to come out next year. So go get the book now... :)

After finishing such a great was hard to re-shift back to my "normal" reads so I ventured out and got two more spy books...both by Daniel Silva. It is hard because I still have "I am Pilgrim" in my head but I enjoy the characters in this series especially Christopher Keller (who I hear may get his own series). I enjoyed them both and they are fast, exciting reads. So if spy books are your thing...I would recommend these two.

Now what to read next? It may be time to break out of the spy genre for a while.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Norah's 8th Birthday Weekend and Catching up on life lately...

I was doing such a good job of posting pics pretty regularly in June but then got behind. So let's unload a ton of pics and make a really long post!

Norah turned 8 on June 28. This girl is my everything and I enjoy every moment with her...seriously my mini me! I cannot believe looking at pictures from the last 8 years on how much she has changed and grown. She is the most fun and I seriously love spending my summer days with her! Jeff had promised her a trip to the water park for her birthday...and they had a blast!

Norah got so many gifts from family and friends...she was in heaven! Plus she loved getting all the packages in the mail.

Also Jeff's mom came to visit and was able to stay with us for a little over 2 weeks which encompassed Norah's birthday and July 4th. Norah misses having VeeVee living with her!

We had a little get together for Norah's birthday and asked her what she wanted to eat...steak and crab legs! Ha! That is my girl. So that is what we had...crab legs eaten outside...

And of course Norah requested her Peanut Butter Chocolate Pie instead of a birthday cake. They loved the hair chalk!

Following Norah's birthday we had visitors in town! Our old neighbors from Charlotte came in town to stay in Murrells Inlet but joined us on the beach one day and dinner at our house. So good to see them!

Next came 4th of July time...this year my mom along with Jeff's mom went to Debordieu to watch the parade with our friends...Wilcox family (thanks for hosting!) Such a great time...I love the parade and the kids love being involved in the water works. We also got to visit Jeff's brother's family and friends in town as well as Jeff's aunt and uncle's family. It was a big week!

Now since the 4th...we have had lots of fun times, beach days, books read, family visits, etc.

We went on a date night with friends to a new restaurant "The Townhouse" in Georgetown and it was so good but so hot! There air wasn't working quite right yet but the food was so good...get the lamb...super yum!!

Last night we went out to dinner with my sister, step-brother and wife, mom and step-dad. It was a combo celebrating all being together and my mom's birthday. Fun times with amazing people eating delicious food at "Frank's"!

Whew! This skimmed over the last few weeks but the summer is always jam packed with last minute get-togethers, lots of laughs, walks on beach, shell collecting...the list goes on. We have had a great summer and excited about all we have planned (and unplanned) for the rest of the summer. :)