
Monday, July 27, 2015

Weekend in review...

Friday we helped celebrate a friend's birthday! Car selfie of course!

Kids are having pure summer fun!

I finished the book "And Then There Were None" by Agatha Christie. It was my first Agatha Christie novel and I liked it okay but had to get used to the way it was written....very short statements in conversation between everyone. I am more used to reading a paragraph that describe a situation, etc. but this was really like a transcript of what the guests said. It was a quick read and interesting.

Saturday Norah and I went to the beach and it was so windy and rough! We did not make it long out there. Jeff did yard work and then the three of us went out to dinner. We realized it was the first Saturday all summer that we did not have plans...crazy! It was nice to have a "down" day and night.

Sunday Norah and I hit the beach with my mom and step-dad and it was still a bit rough but she was able to handle it. I started a new book and basically had my favorite kind of day...Norah, book, and beach!

I have been wearing my fitbit but started to realize that it did not seem accurate. So today I went on a walk this morning and here are my fitbit stats and below are the stats from "Map my Walk" app. My fitbit is definitely off. Is it just old?

"Map my Walk" app
Well I'm off to do errands and celebrate my mom's birthday today!

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