
Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Birthday, book, and stuff...

It was my mom's birthday on Monday so we all got together for dinner! Hope this is your best year yet!
Finished "The Unimaginable" by Dina was different then I thought it was going to be for some reason when reading the description. I liked it and zipped right through it but wanted more detail about things/places/situations. It does make we want to travel even more though!

Here is something random...I saw this pic of a bedroom and...LOVE IT! However, I do not think Jeff would ever go for it ;) Then I checked out the designers other stuff and basically every room he has on his website is the perfect room I would want for his designs. Exactly the style I dream about...swoon! Seriously I would not change a thing in his rooms. So when I win the lottery I would hire him do every room of my house! Check them out HERE

Norah and I went to the beach today and it was amazing. The last two times we went it was super windy and rough but today was perfection. We are hoping tomorrow might be the same. :)

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