Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Great weekend and sickness...

So Jeff left us on Friday for his birthday weekend fishing trip (his birthday is in October but this class was offered in August.) So Norah and I had the whole weekend to ourselves. Friday night we hung out and even though I still didn't feel 100% I actually got a run in on the treadmill.

Saturday Norah and I got up and went to the greenway for just a little bit to walk around. (How much did I wish I was running on it...it was the best weather)

Norah finding one of the mile markers.

We then came home and changed in to swim gear and headed to the pool. She had a blast! After pool time we had lunch and nap time. Then our neighbors behind us asked us over...so off we went. (Thanks Meredith and Chris for letting us bother you...it was fun!) It was great to have a busy day since it was just the two of us. The day flew by and Norah had a lot of fun!

Sunday morning we got up and met some friends at the playground at Norah's school...it is always so cute to see all the kids in action. Here is a pic of Norah and Harper on the see-saw.

Norah...isn't she sweet?! Love you baby girl! I then decided when we left there to head over to Panera and we had lunch. Next home and nap time. After nap...I invited ourselves over to my friend Christie's house (thanks for having us over Christie!). It was so great! Sometimes that 5-7 pm time frame is the hard one especially since it was so hot outside. So it was fabulous getting to be with other kiddos for her. She had a blast with Harper and Perry and Christie and I got to catch up!

Perry, Harper and Norah playing together! How cute!
Jeff got home really late Sunday night and he had a great time! I am so excited that he had fun! Well Monday rolled around and my throat was still hurting...I had been taking Motrin like every 6 hours all weekend. So I called the doctor and they called in another antibiotic as she said sometimes the penicillin doesn't work. On a good note for Monday...I watched Sense and Sensibility again on tv Monday night....I love all Jane Austin! Seriously I should have a Jane Austin movie marathon one weekend!
So today comes and Norah seems "off" in the morning but we took her to school to see how it goes. They called me around 11ish and I went to pick up baby girl and took her home. I couldn't get a doctor appt till 1:30. She immediately fell asleep on the couch. Poor thing!
Isn't she sweet! So we went to the doctor and low and behold...she has strep and an ear infection (that most likely is strep) so she got a penicillin shot in buttocks region. I feel so bad for her...she just doesn't feel good. Seriously we are the sick house around here. I've already used three different toothbrushes and about to switch to a new one again just in case. I washed all the sheets in hot water and cleaned some other stuff. Maybe we can stay well for like a month??? :)
Well I am about to go back to work once Jeff comes home so I can get something done for tomorrow since I probably won't be there all day tomorrow. I'm hoping that Jeff and I can tag team tomorrow with baby girl and each stay home a half of day.
Hopefully the rest of the week...we can get back on track around here....

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