Sunday, August 22, 2010

Weekend Recap and Nervous Nelly...

This weekend went by fast and it was pretty busy. Friday, work was pretty busy plus I ended up going to the doctor during lunch to have my rash stuff looked at as I wanted to claw my wrist a prescription for far it seems to be improving but I still want to claw at it!!

Left work and picked up baby girl, dropped prescription off, took her to Panera to eat a quick dinner and then went back to the school to meet with her new teachers. She starts tomorrow in her new 3s classroom. I got a really good vibe from the teachers and I am excited about things they will be doing this year! So I hope it goes well! Time we got was bath time and bed time!

Saturday we went to Norah's first ever movie at the real theatre. My mother-in-law gave us free tickets to see the Tinkerbell movie. We met my good friend Julie and her cute little girl, McIver to see the movie. Norah said she liked it but it was "scary." I think when it would get dark in the movie and the music would would kinda scare her...but she did pretty good! Once that was over...we headed over to Chick-fil-a to have lunch and play on the playground. Then it was home for nap time.

After nap...we went over to my friend Christie's house (thanks for letting us come over...I always feel like I invite myself over!!) and Norah had a blast and a half playing with Harper, Perry, and Mason. They are all so cute!! I had a lot of fun too and some wine...much needed! Then we headed home for bed time..Norah was exhausted!

Today we got up and went to Costco, to Ellen's house to bring her some grub and take a peek at little William...he is precious, and then a final stop at the grocery store. Next Norah and I came home and took a nap was great! When we woke up...Daddy/Jeff was home! Yeah! So I headed out and did the last of errands by myself...Target and EarthFare. When I got home...Norah was riding her new (FREE) bike she got!! She is so cute!!

Then it was dinner, bath and bed. Now I'm writing a post and trying not to think about my day tomorrow. I'm super nervous Nelly!!! I can't believe I am going back to school...I hope I do well! I have my books and notebooks ready to go. I have Norah's clothes and stuff ready to go for Jeff tomorrow and all her new stuff she needs to take to her new class. I will so miss taking her to school tomorrow on her first day in her new class but know daddy will be great with her!

Hopefully this week will go smoothly... :)

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