Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thursday...TGIAF (Thank Goodness it's ALMOST Friday)

Well I wanted to blog earlier this week but ran out of time...But here it is Thursday and I'm feeling like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. This week has been crazy (what's new!) but right now I feel like I got a little off my plate. Today I took the day off and went to UNCC campus and got a student ID, a parking pass, and then to the immunization office where I ended up getting two shots.

Then it was off to return something and get teacher stop Norah's school where she had her "end of the year" party. She moves to her new class for 3 yr olds on Monday. So we rented a bounce house for the party and it was a HUGE hit. The kids had a blast!

Now it is football time...we love football in our house. We are big NFL fans but also love college football too! Hopefully the fall weather will follow soon!

Obviously since we live in Charlotte...we are Carolina Panthers fans but actually love watching all the teams...we just like watching football in general. It is funny because I never watched NFL football until I met Jeff but now I'm more into it then the college football (don't worry we are still Clemson (where I graduated), Appalachian State (where Jeff graduated), and Georgia (Denny (Pops) team) football fans too!).

This is Norah at school sporting her new tennis shoes we got her as she starts soccer next week. The low ankle socks work better but I only have one pair of them right now and they were dirty so these are good ole' fold over kind. She looks like a big kid!

This is her class eating the cupcakes before they jump away the sugar in the bounce house!

Norah loves a cupcake! (Jeff even had one too!!)

Norah...lovin' the bounce house!!!

I'm sorry but how cute is my hubby! He is so cute! He is the best dad...I love that he came to the party too!!
Jeff entertaining himself at the party!!

Showing off his mad skills with the pink ball!

Anyway...tomorrow is my last day at work as a full time employee so I have a lot to do! So I'm off for a little down time before it is bed time. I hope to get some more posts up this weekend....before the madness begins next week!!

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