Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Strep Throat I think you love me....

Yes...I have strep throat again...2nd time in 3 months....2nd time in 32 years! This is crazy! Who gets sick in August...that would be me. Went to doctor today and opted for the ole' shot in the buttocks region (instead of antibiotics for 10 days) so should be good to go in a couple of days. Keep your fingers crossed that baby girl doesn't get it!

So Norah loves my Ipod Touch (I so love it too!)...and plays this game on there that I downloaded...it is some kind of puzzle game. She is always asking if she can play on Mommy's Computer...
Here she is with the Ipod in action.

Darcy got a haircut today....look you can see his eyes! The girl who always cuts our dogs...made an exception since he hasn't gotten all his shots yet...but he was so hot with all the fur plus Jeff kept saying his feet were like "mops" and bringing in lots of dirt. He wasn't a fan of getting his haircut...she said he was scared so she had to give him a couple of breaks and then come back to him. But isn't he so cute!!
Well I've got to go back to work tomorrow so I better get to bed and rest up.

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