Thursday, August 5, 2010

Three Things Thursday

Three Things Thursday....

1. I love Great Harvest Bread Company. I've started getting a loaf of Honey Wheat Bread each week for Norah to eat sandwiches, toast, etc. There is only like 4 ingredients in it compared to the like 25 in grocery store bread. It tastes great too! It costs about a $1 more or so then grocery store but I feel better knowing that Norah is eating "cleaner" food. Now surely I can find a way to make my own loaf of bread each can't be that hard. Hey Mom...if you are reading this...ya want to see if we can figure out how to do it? :)
2. Jeff is celebrating his birthday early this year with a weekend fishing class/trip put on by our local ORVIS store. He is super excited and I think it will be great for him! I found out about the class through an e-mail they sent out. It is the perfect gift for him!

3. Running...I haven't been since Saturday due to the ole' strep throat. However, I really miss it and want to get in some sort of run in tonight, tomorrow and Saturday. But due to #2 above...I am limited to the outside runs so I may have to....use the treadmill aka the dreadmill. I so wish I loved the treadmill but it is so boring to me. It reminds me of this....

Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous of your Great Harvest bread. If only they would open up a store in Florida!