Today was more house stuff and then we had Jeff's parent come over for dinner. Today we also set up a pool in our yard and Norah and the neighbors took turns between our house and theirs...all these kids are too cute!
Had to take a pic of Norah eating an ice cream sandwich after dinner! She liked it!
Well I am excited about Jeff being home with us again tomorrow and the day will include house work, school work, and neighbor time! Can't wait! Then Tuesday I will be on a new schedule to be able to get everything done in a day and still have Norah with me...should be busy! :) Oh yeah...notice how all my pics are kinda blurry that would be because Darcy got a hold of my camera (it was in its case) and basically pretended like it was a toy. The case got chewed up and the string handle thing of the camera is gone...the camera still works but is slowly getting worse and worse. Hope it can hold on a little longer!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Productive but still fun weekend...
We have gotten a lot done this weekend and we still have one more day to enjoy! Friday was Norah's last day of school for the was bittersweet...but August will be here before we know it! I am excited about being with her this summer...I think we are going to have a lot of fun together! Saturday....Jeff and I did housework while Norah had play time next door...they set up a pool over there...
This is her Wonder Woman pose...
Daddy and Norah having some fun!
I also wrote a paper and then Saturday night I got to hang out with two of my neighbors...always a good time!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
- I am a little stressed around here...started a new class on Monday and was unaware how much work would be required....this week I am "live" in class about 4-5 hours a day and have several assignments as well...therefore this one class is taking about 7-8 hours a day...oh yeah...and I am still working on another class!! Scream!!!
- House stuff...this is never ending...we have a lot going on right just trying to stay above water and breathe!
- This is Norah's last week of school before she is going to be out for the summer with must accomplish a lot in these next couple of days...
- We were going to the beach this weekend but decided to keep our sanity instead and stay here so I DO NOT LOSE MY MIND! :)
- Oh and I am dealing with like 4 other things...basically....Aaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
On a happier note...if you have a Fresh Market near not walk...and buy this stuff. It is so good! One night I cut up some tomatoes, cucumbers, red bell peppers and feta and put some of this dressing on was so good that Jeff and I wanted to drink the leftover dressing! Then another night we marinated chicken breasts in it and grilled good! Ya gottta get some!
- Okay off to do school work before my next live class at 1:30...did I mention I had live class this morning at 7:15 am!
- Oh yeah...I am back to getting up at 6 am for my runs and am loving it! I am going to start to call them my sanity runs!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Busy Weekend....
Well this weekend has been jammed packed with lots of activities! Saturday morning, I was one of 7 hosts for a baby shower for a friend, McCay, who is having a baby girl in July! I must admit I fell down on my job of picture taking but it was because I had fun talking to some friends who I haven't seen in about 10 years or even more!
The food was catered and we had individual tomato pies, shrimp and rice salad, asparagus wrapped in prosciutto, cheese biscuits, baked brie in pastry and for dessert...chocolate covered strawberries and homemade ice cream sandwiches!
There was actually someone there that I played on my high school tennis team with and haven't seen her since like 1994 (Hey Mary!) It was so great to hear about her life since she was a senior when I was freshman...I just adored her! There was also some college friends that I haven't seen in at least 9 or more years who I loved talking to...Courtney and Sharon!
McCay, guest of honor and mom-to-be, is the one in the front...middle...I know she has a small, cute baby bump! The seven hosts are all around her (doesn't that statement remind you of the song in "Love Actually") So later Saturday night McCay had the hosts, family and some out-of-towners over to her house...and another close friend from college was there...Hey Haden! and it was so great to catch up with her too!
Sunday came and it was all yard work and house work to be done!! Norah helped me with some yard work early before it got super hot...she was such a good helper...she even wore little work gloves just like me!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Three Thing Thursday...
1. Norah: I have to brag a little...Norah had her swim lesson today and they told me that she is moving up to level 2...she is the only one in her class moving up! I am so proud of her...she is like a fish! :)
1. Running: Went for my first "real run" in a month and half and it was glorious (you have to say it like Will Ferrell does in "Old School")...wore the garmin and everything so ready to get back to it! It was nice taking a break from it some.
3. TV and Movies: Does anyone watch "Rules of Engagement"...if so then you would know that my Jeff is just like the "Jeff" on it...tonight's episode about why he was drinking a beer at 10 am...yep that is my hubby!
So want to go see this movie! I heard it is hilarious!
1. Running: Went for my first "real run" in a month and half and it was glorious (you have to say it like Will Ferrell does in "Old School")...wore the garmin and everything so ready to get back to it! It was nice taking a break from it some.
3. TV and Movies: Does anyone watch "Rules of Engagement"...if so then you would know that my Jeff is just like the "Jeff" on it...tonight's episode about why he was drinking a beer at 10 am...yep that is my hubby!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Dreary Tuesday....
It is pretty cloudy outside and looks like it may be a rainy day here...which works out for me because I am working on one of my math classes and house stuff.
So let's see...Friday we had neighbor night at Kim's house and they have a baby who is about 2 months old. Norah got to hold him....

It was really cute and she loved it! We had tacos and just hung out...we love neighbor night! Saturday morning we got up and went to breakfast at Flying Biscuit...we really like to eat breakfast out as a is a lot cheaper than going to dinner and it is a nice way to start a weekend morning! Norah was excited about the kids sheet that we all three colored why we waited for our food.
Next mom came in town (yeah!) and helped us BIG time with some house stuff. Thank you Ma! She also got Norah a fairy dress for dress up...and let me tell you...Norah loves it! So much so that she didn't want to take it off! She even wore it outside to play in....too cute!
Jeff went out of town Saturday afternoon but got back around 9 pm on Saturday so we had "our time" on Sunday instead. We grilled out Sunday night and just hung out on our porch...we had a lot of fun! Monday came and it is back to the grind...we have a lot going on lately so as is a whirlwind around here!
So let's see...Friday we had neighbor night at Kim's house and they have a baby who is about 2 months old. Norah got to hold him....
Friday, May 13, 2011
Mark this down in the history books!
Today we finally sold the white leather...if you know us...this is big! Jeff has had these "white, 1980s, puffy, miami vice" leather couches for 13 years and they have been the death of my existence for the last 9 years...well today someone else is going to enjoy them for the next 13 years! It was kinda sad but I was glad to see them go....
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
It is cray-cray around here...
I have like a zillion things going on right stuff, school stuff, condo stuff, throwing a shower stuff, and the list goes let's just say lots of wine has been happening lately to make it all better! :) (All my friends are watching Cougar Town so I had to check it the huge wine glasses...cracks me up!)
On the bright side...I just found out today that the school Norah goes letting me take her out for the summer and still keep her spot for the fall....Wahoo! Check one thing off my list!
This week we did celebrate our neighbor's birthday Monday night by eating dinner at their house and watching the kids play outside. It was so much fun...we have the best neighbors! And guess what...this Friday is neighbor night! Yeah!
Well back to the grind and dreaming of the day where I get to do this....(hopefully soon!)

This week we did celebrate our neighbor's birthday Monday night by eating dinner at their house and watching the kids play outside. It was so much fun...we have the best neighbors! And guess what...this Friday is neighbor night! Yeah!
Well back to the grind and dreaming of the day where I get to do this....(hopefully soon!)

Sunday, May 8, 2011
Cannot believe it is already May and May 8th at that!!!
Time has been flying by...I cannot believe it is already May 8th! Where have my days gone? We have been super busy at the Hoppe house these days. I only worked out 16 days in April and as you can see below I just used stickers and didn't write what I did like I normally do. That is because I really didn't do any "running" as it was my break from it....but now I think I am ready to get back into it and drumroll....may do a marathon this December?!
Last week I finished 2 of my classes at UNCC so I have just 4 more classes to go! One class I should be finished with pretty soon too. Also last week Norah had swim lesson again and she is a fish! She loves it so much so it is so fun to take and watch her!
Also Friday they had Muffins for Moms at Norah's school so off we went....
After the muffins...the kids sang us a couple of was really cute!

Well today was Mother's Happy Mother's Day to my mom...I wish we could have seen you today! We missed you and hope you had a great day! We had lunch over at our house for Jeff's mom and dad...and Jeff let me take a nap this that was nice! And speaking of "little sister" is going to be a mom for the third time...congrats Ashley! Well I am off to bed and get geared up for a new week!
Also Friday they had Muffins for Moms at Norah's school so off we went....
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