This is her Wonder Woman pose...
Daddy and Norah having some fun!
I also wrote a paper and then Saturday night I got to hang out with two of my neighbors...always a good time!
Today was more house stuff and then we had Jeff's parent come over for dinner. Today we also set up a pool in our yard and Norah and the neighbors took turns between our house and theirs...all these kids are too cute!
Had to take a pic of Norah eating an ice cream sandwich after dinner! She liked it!
Well I am excited about Jeff being home with us again tomorrow and the day will include house work, school work, and neighbor time! Can't wait! Then Tuesday I will be on a new schedule to be able to get everything done in a day and still have Norah with me...should be busy! :) Oh yeah...notice how all my pics are kinda blurry that would be because Darcy got a hold of my camera (it was in its case) and basically pretended like it was a toy. The case got chewed up and the string handle thing of the camera is gone...the camera still works but is slowly getting worse and worse. Hope it can hold on a little longer!