1. "Gilmore Girls" Yes...I watched all seven seasons and then have started re-watching (or really just have it play in the background when at home) as there is nothing on TV these days. I really like it. I must admit that I'm a little more Team Chris and not Team Luke and I love Logan. I do hope they make a movie like they did for "Veronica Mars" as there is a lot they could do with it. We will see!
2. Books...so behind on reading (I blame #1 above for this!) Our new library opened in town and it is fabulous! (Lesson learned about going places with no make-up and stuff early in the morning...)I hope this is motivation to get back to reading! What I'm reading and what is up next...
3. I have decided not to return to my current school for next year. It has been hard this year to handle Norah's schedule with mine. I am really sad to leave my school kids but know it is the best thing to do right now. I think I will do something in a work capacity next year on a part time basis but not sure what that means right now...I also know that I will go back to "work" on a more full time schedule once Norah gets older. Right now I feel like she needs me more before, during, and after school and I know I will never get this time back.
(I just wanted to add that I have always taken my job as a teacher seriously (even though it is my passion and second career...I know it is not looked upon as prestigious as other professions to some people) and I was told by an adult the other day not to worry so much about the kids and school stuff...after I was stressing about getting my school kids ready for next year, etc. This kinda makes me sad because don't we all want our teachers of our own kids to care too much? Otherwise what is the point? Anyways...I hope all my students know that I really care that they learn and grow and I constantly have ideas run through my mind of ways to help them not only in math but with life skills. I also hope Norah has teachers who feel the same way. But on a happier note...thank you to the parents who have asked me to stay next year...that means a lot and I will miss your kids more than you know. I also want to note that in the 4 years of my teaching...I have had the best "teams" of teachers...the Mountaineer team to my Middle School Triangle of teachers at my current school...everyone has been amazing!)

4. Norah has started Speech Therapy at school for "R" sounds which I'm really happy about and I think she is too. Staying on the Norah topic...she is going away to Camp Seafarer this year which she and I are super excited about but at the same time...I know I will cry and miss her terribly!! Any advice on camp (for her) and how I'm to survive without her for the week...I'm all ears!
5. Tomorrow we are on a 2 hour delay for school due to cold weather. This could lead for the same for Friday. Only in the South do we close for cold weather...no sleet, freezing rain, or snow. Funny but it does give our Southern ways our true personality... :)