I hate that it has been a month since I posted as I have forgotten all the little cute details of Norah's life and slacked on pics. It is that time of year that becomes very busy at school...come on Spring Break! Plus there is always something going on anyway when you have a family...so here is a brief recap. Unfortunately...I know I'm leaving things out but hopefully I will do better in the future.

Norah's class dressed up and 2nd grade did a program regarding a book they had read. Her class was to dress to represent China by wearing red. They sang a song in Mandarin which Norah thought was so cool. I was glad that I got to see her in it!

They played a game that was a Chinese version of "Duck, Duck, Goose"

This is Norah and a cute friend in her class. Norah loves all the kids in her class! She went to a birthday party for this sweet friend at MagiQuest and had a blast!

Jeff and I squeezed in a date during Happy Hour one Friday and it was really fun!

Norah and her dogs! Finn turned 4 years old this Month and Darcy will be 4 in April....kinda hard to believe.

Another thing that has kept us busy...Disney World planning. It is almost time and we are all excited about having a vacation!

We live in a great neighborhood and it is nice to have a last minute get together! Oysters, beverages, kids playing....and burning trees! Always fun!

Jeff and I were talking the other day that this April we have been together 13 years...seems long and short all at the same time. :)

There have been other things...Norah still going strong academically and loving school. We were in a little fender bender (not my fault and everyone ok), Norah had her physical for camp and still off the charts, and embarked on the Gluten Free way for her which we are figuring out. Norah has a new playroom set up which she is loving including her own "couch" and new TV. Jeff and I have been busy at work and trying to get some house things done. We have been trying to get back in gear going to Church more regularly and find that going to the 8 AM service is a better fit for us lately as it allows us to still have the day to do the usual run errands, work, etc. Anyway...on to a few fun things I actually remember! ;)
We have seen some great movies lately. First one..."McFarland USA" which Norah actually picked. This movie is fantastic! Every family should go see it and I think schools should take kids to see it...wonderful story. I hope I can instill half the work ethic, team spirit, perseverance, etc. in Norah...the kids prove that hard work pays off.

My mom came in town which we enjoyed! So she, Norah, and I went to see the new "Cinderella" movie and it was done right! First....I do love all things British so that is a major plus. Effects, wardrobe, acting...it was all great!

Today we had standardized testing at my school so we watched "Big Hero 6" in the afternoon...another super cute movie! I love all these movies lately where a character is so selfless and kind. (Baymax reminds me of Groot in "Guardians of the Galaxy.")

Now I admit that up until this weekend...Jeff and I have been non-stop with "things" to do. But this weekend we actually had some down time which was extremely needed. So instead of reading (which I am behind on!) I watched some Amazon.com via Roku. First up, "Death Comes to Pemberley"...which not only do I love all things British but Jane Austen and Pride and Prejudice characters...yep...love it. Of course Matthew Goode and Matthew Rhys are not bad to look at either! :)

Jeff did not watch the above with me but we did watch two episodes of "The Affair." Once it started...I admit it was nothing like I expected. I find the set up of the show split into two segments where Noah retells the memory and then Allison retells the same memory from her perspective...and to see the differences an incredible way to do a show. I think that is fascinating how people remember certain details differently. I also wondered if their names, Noah and Allison, related to names in the book/movie, "The Notebook"...anyone know? Oh well...hope to watch some more of that and still saving "House of Cards 3" for binge watching soon!

Hard to believe it is April next week but I'm excited for warmer weather and soon summer!