2. The Heat...it was quite hot the beginning of the week and Norah and I would seek the ocean breeze in the afternoons which was the only way to stay cool. Norah also went to Yoga Camp for Kids for three days this week and loved it as well as great way to stay indoors in the heat wave. At least it seems to be back to normal temps after a good rain storm we had the other night.

3. How much fun did I have that I got to see my ole' friend Gina this week? A ton! She and her family were in town for the week and Norah and I got to hang out with all of them at the beach. It was amazing to catch up and I could have chatted forever. I hope to see her again soon! I dug up a pic of some of us back in 1995ish at the beach in Garden City. I must admit...I did love high school...we had a lot of fun!!!

4. Norah has so wanted to have a stuffed animal again (we had to get rid of all of them with the allergy issue.) Well I found one that is asthma and allergy friendly. It is by Kids Preferred-Health Baby and you have to freeze the bear for 24 hours and then wash...repeat every 4 weeks. But Norah loves him and has named him Bayzel so it is worth it! You pronounce it like Basil...like the herb but that is how she wants to spell it because she said it is "Bay" for character on Big Hero 6 and "zel" for her beloved Beazel.
5. Sunday is Norah's 8th birthday...I can barely believe it! So we will be celebrating her all weekend!