2. Today I was looking at my calendar and realized that I have been back to playing tennis for 3 weeks now. I have definitely caught the tennis "bug" again and love thinking about improving and getting better each time I go out there. Tennis has changed a lot in some ways since "my day" of playing (like the invention of the Internet where you can find loads of helpful hints!) but some things are the same. I have noticed being older that I like playing on the clay courts better than hard which is the opposite of my thoughts as a kid. A lot of things have come back to me based on muscle memory but obviously the little things and consistency aren't back to normal for me yet. I'm excited to see where I will be after playing 6 months, then a year, etc.
3. Books...still reading Vince Flynn books and I should finish the series soon but might have to throw a random book in there soon as I'm ready to change it up soon.
4. Movies....there are so many movies coming out this summer that I want to see. Love going to the movies in the summer...but hate knowing I have to drive a bit to go to them now!
5. I just found out that we are getting a Chipotle and a Panera that will be about 20 minutes away from us. Excitement galore!!!!!
6. I got my hair colored at the salon a few weeks ago and I don't think I can over go back to box color...it is so much better and lasts so much longer with the gray coverage.
7. House...we always said we were on a 7 year plan on trying to update our house when we moved here. We are kinda slow on house stuff and aren't really picky about things but obviously there are always things to do. This summer will mark year 4 for us and we are still working away and getting things done. Our yard has been tricky for us as it is so unlike our Charlotte yard but we are slowly starting to think about what we are going to do with it.
8. I cannot believe that this summer will mark 4 years of living in Pawleys Island. There are days where it is still strange to me but other times when it feels right living here. I still miss all the "things" Charlotte has to offer plus all our peeps!!! But love everyone we have met here, Norah has been thriving in this environment/school/friends, and there is always Amazon!! ;)
9. My sweet Norah was selected to participate in the Tech Fair today and she presented a project to a group of judges. She was really nervous about doing it...but did great! So proud of her and all she does!!
10. Well off to spend time with my girl...only 6 full and 3 half days of school/3rd grade left for Norah!!

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