The leg drama won't stop. I messed up my leg playing tennis...played on it awhile but was in a lot of pain (even when I wasn't doing anything but sleeping.) After some convincing I went to ortho doctor (luckily I play tennis with his wife so he saw me right away.) It is a stress reaction with my bone in lower leg. Anyway...I took some time off...played and it was bad again...took time off...then played and it was bad again...are you seeing the cycle. Plus got new shoes, played in compression sleeves, etc. So today I play after over a week off and it starts hurting again! So frustrating! So we will see what happens next.
Anyway, onto some fun stuff!!! Norah and I made it to Charlotte this summer and as always had the BEST time! We stay with my friend Christie and it is always a blast.

We got some back to school shopping done for Norah too while there! Such good deals!

Once we got back in town...Jeff and I squeezed in a date night...we went to Chive Blossom and it was so good!! Yum!

Jeff's mom and both brother's family came into town and we hung out with them during the week at night. One night Norah took my phone and walked on the beach...these next three pictures were taken by her! No filter...beautiful!

Norah and I taking a selfie! Love my sweet girl!

Jeff and his two brothers

We have had some boat time along with pool for the end of summer...

Watching from our boat as our friends pull Norah and Ellie on the tube!

Then the big day came...Norah started 4th grade! I cannot believe it! We had a really great summer and stayed super busy. I enjoy every moment with Norah so it is sad to share her with the school...but she is loving it! She really likes her teacher and so far it is going well! :) This was her first day pic!
Also I was obsessed with the Olympics! I love it! I was really sad to see it go as I loved watching sports like volleyball, swim, triathlon, etc. that I normally do not see...but at least football will be starting soon to fill the gap!!
Well I got a job! I was planning on subbing at the preschool...just like last year...but they had a last minute spot to fill so I literally got the job on Saturday and started today. I'm the assistant in the 2 year old room. I'm very excited as I love being with kids everyday and the schedule is perfect for me. I am looking forward to a great year!
Well I'm using Jeff's computer for this post as my laptop officially died. But a new one is on the way so I cannot wait for it to arrive!