Sunday, August 15, 2010

Long blog...

Well I haven't posted lately as it has been a little stressful this week. But no worries...I am a "glass is half full" kinda of gal so this will pass (and wine helps too!). So here are 10 random tidbits of what has happened in the Hoppe Household.

1. I'm super excited and my friend Meredyth and her BF "T" are signed up for their first Half Marathon!! (They are gonna rock it!) It is so nice to have someone to talk with about the training. Speaking of which I got my 4 mile run in on Saturday so I should be back on track.

2. Norah is feeling better (and me too!) so hopefully we can stay well around here for a month or so! ;)

3. My books are ordered for school and I hope they are here next week! School starts on Monday, August 23...I also found out that my classes are not uptown but they are actually at the main UNCC campus. Therefore, instead of riding the train to the classes as planned...I had to buy a parking pass for campus. So gotta pick that up this week and do a practice run so I can know where I am going. Still have some loose ends to finish up with school this week before it starts.

4. This weekend was low key as we wanted to make sure Norah was 100%. We did ride the train uptown and eat breakfast as a place call Mert's this was yummy! (I so love Norah on the train...she gets so excited to ride it!)

5. Then I actually meal planned for the entire week and hit up Trader Joes and Harris Teeter and got everything we need...I'm so hoping that I can keep that up. I mean after this week...I am not going to have time to go to the grocery store everyday.

6. I have a random skin rash thing on my arm/wrist that looks awful but I think it is healing on its own (like I need to go to the doctor again...)

7. Hopefully this week will be smoother! This is Norah's last week in her class and she moves to the "3s" class next week with new teachers (I can't believe how she is growing up!).

8. My mom is coming to town on Thursday for a few hours...can't wait to see her!

9. So I'm off to spend a little time with hubby before bed!

10. Hopefully I'll have some pictures to post next time!

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